Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

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44, male

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from ConcernedAmerican2015 on 06/12/2015 04:25 AM

If you are not going to be honest and stop blaming the Republicans for his utter incompetence, we can't have any meaningful dialogue.



66, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from ProudSaul on 06/12/2015 02:40 PM

@ Cat - The single payer plan that President Obama wanted in the first place but took off the table in an effort to compromise with the Republicans, is not only inevitable but it is the best possible system.  It has already been successfully implemented in most of the developed nations of the world, it saves the most money, it saves the most lives, and it thoroughly simplifies the entire process.  It does not involve rationing of health care, and it still doesn't have any "death panels".  And, you don't have to worry that your doctor is or is not in a particular "plan".


Public Option Sucks



63, male

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from BillyJ on 06/26/2015 11:09 PM

very well said



66, female

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from stanley on 07/21/2015 04:11 AM

It's amazing to me that people actually think that ACA is a failure when it's anything but.  Of course people will disregard what the insurance companies and the hospitals think.  But ACA is working.  It's the law of the land.  We're already moving ahead.  How can this be? Because the insurance companies and hospitals are on board.  Like it or  not.  That's the reality.  They don't care about politics: they care about the reality on the ground.  And guess what, many republicans are taking advantage of it.  How do you explain that as a failure if republican voters are complicit?



66, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from stanley on 08/10/2015 05:12 AM

Obama will be remembered for pointing out that "Obamacare" was designed by republicans.  They NEVER admit it and think it's the premise from hell, yet his previous contender Romney is on video (after intalling the same thing in MA) hoping it would "go national".  Republicans never address this.  Wonder why.  Fact is it's been successful.  Obama has witnessed a collapse in the country climb back and is now stable.  For those who deny everything Obama has done, they need to ask themselves why they hate him so much.  He's been a gentlemanly president, strong when needed (Al Qaida) and effective (economy) and hasn't (as so many predicted) taken away your guns.  He's the best damned president we've had in aeons and they know it and they're so jealous they create fake problems/reasons why he isn't.


Obama is a truly great, human, smart, measured, half-black president.  Get over it.



99, male

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from urwutuis on 08/23/2015 07:21 AM


Reply Edited on 08/23/2015 07:22 AM.


55, male

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from bmovies60 on 08/31/2015 01:31 PM

 After seeing obamacare in action and seeing the results, its laughable to claim it works. Millions have lost the plans and doctors of their choice, peoples premiums and deductibles have jumped big time, obamacare created coops are shutting down, etc. 

Yes, the hospitals and insurance companies are on board. They have to be because its required by law. 

And its a lie to claim obamacare was designed by republicans. Only one idea in the entire 2000 page bill can be blamed on republicans. The buy insurance mandate which was thought up by the republican think tank the heritage foundation somewhere around the 1980s.  Some republicans embraced the idea, but most didnt. Blasting the heritage foundation for coming up with such a tyrannical idea. One of heritage employees said, "I thought we were for freedom".

Faced with such backlash, heritage backed off and dumped the idea, admitting it was a bad one.

The massachusetts model was a democrat concoction. Romney tried to veto 8 or 9 things within it, but all his vetoes were overridden by the legislature. The reason he eventually signed it is because he knew that they had the votes to override his veto should he try to veto the entire thing as a whole (a weak defense in my opinion. He should have stood tall, vetoed and let them override it if thats what they were prepared to do)


Deleted user

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from Jules on 08/31/2015 07:20 PM

Hi!         Why didn't this thing get repealed then?        Yes, this turned out to be alot of hogwash and is a disaster for our insurance as well.       It should be titled, "ObamaCrap" since for most this turned ins. up side down!!

If anything this man should re structure the law so that everyone benefits. So glad when his term is up. 



56, female

  Level 3 - Debater

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Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:15 AM

Where to begin???!!! He's a bumbling idiot and has failed at everything!! He can't even spell!! Did you hear him refer to our 57 states? Confuse Veterans day with Memorial day? He called Cinco de Mayo,Cinco de Cuatro!!! You can watch all the video on You Tube for a great laugh,if there's ever a day that he's not making a fool of himself. I've never been so ashamed of s president.

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