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67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Breathtaking Sights

from stanley on 10/07/2015 03:26 AM

The most breathtaking sight for me was the post on youtube of a few people on board a boat in the Californian inlet of the sea of cortez that drew over 2 hours nets from a young humpback whale and gave it life.


That's the most beautiful thing I've seen all year.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Why are there no thinking people on this site?

from stanley on 09/26/2015 08:34 AM

do you want sodapop with your pizza?  Yes this is one of the highest visited questions. 

What does this tell us.  It  tells us his site is dead.

Should I do the funeral or will someone please give this site some life.  LIFE. DISCUSSION. VERVE. SEVERITY.

If not.  I'm gone.  Too boring.  Too lacklustre. Too beige.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from stanley on 09/21/2015 07:00 AM

I don't think he will for this reason.  Whereas he points out correctly that the LARGE majority of folks aren't in the 1% they have this dream they will be one day and for that reason the don't want the redistribution of wealth into something more equitable.  They enjoy being poor or just making it because the dream is bigger (even though over 99% of them will never realize it).


Therefore Sanders' well-meaning attempts to point out the enslavement of the many by the tiny few exists, Americans refuse to do anything about it.  Dreaming is powerful.  Realism is not.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: I think the link should be seen.

from stanley on 09/14/2015 06:23 AM

I think people have short memories.  And they also think erroneously that presidents control America.  They don't.  Surely anyone with half a brain knows this.  We've had a meltdown with everything in disarray, and a new president that was given a plate of absolute shite to start with.  And they think they could do any better?


During two terms, Obama has taken us from a meltdown into a growing economy.  Yeah remember all those antiObamaists who said the dollar would no longer be the world currency. Were they right?  NOPE.  It's till the world currency.  They were WRONG.  Guess why?  because they didn't do their homeowrk.  They didn't notice that China had fake cities that were empty and hadoverextended loans.  They didn't pay attention.  But others did.  And guess what China has gone down and the Dollar is still the only trusted currency (other than the pound).  They waxed lyrical about how it was going down, but they were wrong.


The only burgeoning nation right now is America.  They are the only land that other countries trust in.  The dollar is still king.  They wanted to hate on their own land, but they lost.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

What do you want in this site to attract you more often?

from stanley on 09/06/2015 09:19 AM

We have a new site but it seems so many don't return.  Let's find out why.  Do you have the time to give us your input?

I for one have found that on some threads the latest are under "last" when they should be shown as the first.  That could help.

The most recent posts need to be placed at the front. duh!!

If you have a reason why you come here infrequently pls tell the site.  We can only design a better site with input.




67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Does Europe need help with the refugees?

from stanley on 09/06/2015 09:13 AM

What if there was a batshit crisis in meso-America and a humungous amount of people crossed our border similar to what's happening to Europe today.  Should we have to face the picture of the dead toddler like they did?  I don't know the answer to this question, but I do know one thing: countries' borders are man-made, not God-made.  God didn't decide our countries' borders, and why do we have them?  Isn't a child born unto the Earth?  Not a country.  This is a concept that may of us have forgotten.

Did God create Earth, or countries?



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Is Trump in cahoots with Hillary?

from stanley on 09/06/2015 08:55 AM

Donald Trump is on video extolling the virtues of Hillary Clinton.  No doubt this will be played to him at some convention or debate with the other republicans on the ticket.  But it seems not many have entertained the thought that Trump has decided that Hillary needs to be the next president and the two are working together to make sure that happens.


Donald has already decimated the republican ticket.  By being so flagrantly creative that he's leading in their polls.  He knows, as Hillary knows, that republicans are so sheepish they don't want a real president (dare I say it like the one we have now: educated, measured, humane and totally smart). No, they want Mr. Agressive, who cares what he says, just hate, hate, hate everyone.

Trump cares about America and doesn't see any REAL republican candidate who does too.  So he's with Hillary.  So she had her servers mixed up, but did she actually do anything wrong?  Nope. And that's how the republicans have lost the argument.  She didn't actually reveal anyones covert identity (unlike the Bush Administration who did reveal Valerie Plame and have totally gotten away with it .... which begs the question: why didn't republicans cry foul on that?  who stood up for Valerie Plame for doing her job?)


So yes, Trump sees the republicans as lacking any godly REAL attention to "righteousness" and is determined to nix them at every turn.  He's told Hillary he'll handle them because they're a bunch of easily hoodwinked sheep, and no matter how outrageous he is they'll follow him blindly, and by the way I loved the wedding gift you gave me, and I have your back...........


Meanwhile they talk on the phone about how everything's going and laugh til they cry about how absolutely devoid of decency the republicans are and how easy it is to manipulate them as they unwittingly want to turn America into a medieval society.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Who would you vote for out of this combined list of Democrats and Republicans for President of the USA in 2016?

from stanley on 08/21/2015 06:35 AM

I think Hillary will point out all the republicans who also had private servers.  But she will be exonnerated because the stuff she had on the server was sent to her as a copy: i.e. CC.  And the other people on the list had high clearnance which means it's not wrong.  If we can't trust our own security clearances that's not her fault.  Unless something is marked "Confidential" it's not confidential.


We all know it's a deal to scupper Hillary.  But she knows enough about other ways to scupper others who have done exactly the same thing on the other side.  Will they suffer the same consequences?  Let's see.


Attacking Hillary is just a ruse to deplete her in the election.  Any thinking person knows this.  But right now Hillary doesn't have to do anything because the GOP is scuppering itself.  And we all know, deep down, that Trump actually wants to kill the GOP because they're a bunch of toads with no new ideas, and he actually wants Hillary to win.  The GOP haven't figured this out yet, which means they're pretty unintelligent.  Trump, if he does become president will walk back almost everything he is saying on the pulpit.  Because he is not more powerful that the Constitution of the Supreme Court.  Get a grip people.



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Can ten year olds qualify for public assistance for a child born as a resut of rape, assuming that said ten year old doesn't have a job?

from stanley on 08/17/2015 06:49 AM

Mike Huckabee deems that a ten year old raped by her stepfather be forced to carry the child to full term.  but there seems to be little discussion of how that ten year old can afford to feed/clothe/medicate (if necessary) that child.  Can a ten year old caim on an government programs?  Does anyone know?



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Should presidents do something other than create libraries when they leave office?

from stanley on 08/17/2015 06:44 AM

This "tradition" has become so entrenched, and even Obama who is known for being a bit more "modern" in his thinking is following this meme by creating his presidential library in his home town of Chicago.  But seriously, do we really believe that Chicago doesn't have some darned good libraries already?  Seems like a waste to me.  What other lofty things could future presidents channel money into when they leave office as part of their legacy?

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