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57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:41 AM

Absolutely,not ever..



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Why is bias?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:33 AM

Yes,75% say Independent.



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:28 AM

Do you realize how many mysterious deaths occur surrounding certain politicians-?? Most recently Andrew Breitbart,Britany Murphy??--- Google " mysterious deaths associated with the Clinton's." Something scared them..what else could it be???



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:24 AM

 Political,or a serious lawsuit.



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:15 AM

Where to begin???!!! He's a bumbling idiot and has failed at everything!! He can't even spell!! Did you hear him refer to our 57 states? Confuse Veterans day with Memorial day? He called Cinco de Mayo,Cinco de Cuatro!!! You can watch all the video on You Tube for a great laugh,if there's ever a day that he's not making a fool of himself. I've never been so ashamed of s president.



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Why is Rand Paul being ignored by the media?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:06 AM

He will cut to the chase and put an end to all their bull. They are terrified of Rand just like they were of his father. They shoved Ron Paul aside and swept him under the rug,and will try to do the same with Rand but he will not go away.



57, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Just got a flyer in the mail, not sure if ya'll have heard about it or not, but Pizza Hut has made a new pizza, a bacon wrapped crust pizza.

from j.maisoui on 08/22/2015 05:56 AM

I love animals, so wouldn't eat them.


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