Is Trump in cahoots with Hillary?

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67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Is Trump in cahoots with Hillary?

from stanley on 09/06/2015 08:55 AM

Donald Trump is on video extolling the virtues of Hillary Clinton.  No doubt this will be played to him at some convention or debate with the other republicans on the ticket.  But it seems not many have entertained the thought that Trump has decided that Hillary needs to be the next president and the two are working together to make sure that happens.


Donald has already decimated the republican ticket.  By being so flagrantly creative that he's leading in their polls.  He knows, as Hillary knows, that republicans are so sheepish they don't want a real president (dare I say it like the one we have now: educated, measured, humane and totally smart). No, they want Mr. Agressive, who cares what he says, just hate, hate, hate everyone.

Trump cares about America and doesn't see any REAL republican candidate who does too.  So he's with Hillary.  So she had her servers mixed up, but did she actually do anything wrong?  Nope. And that's how the republicans have lost the argument.  She didn't actually reveal anyones covert identity (unlike the Bush Administration who did reveal Valerie Plame and have totally gotten away with it .... which begs the question: why didn't republicans cry foul on that?  who stood up for Valerie Plame for doing her job?)


So yes, Trump sees the republicans as lacking any godly REAL attention to "righteousness" and is determined to nix them at every turn.  He's told Hillary he'll handle them because they're a bunch of easily hoodwinked sheep, and no matter how outrageous he is they'll follow him blindly, and by the way I loved the wedding gift you gave me, and I have your back...........


Meanwhile they talk on the phone about how everything's going and laugh til they cry about how absolutely devoid of decency the republicans are and how easy it is to manipulate them as they unwittingly want to turn America into a medieval society.



55, female

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Posts: 1755

Re: Is Trump in cahoots with Hillary?

from Ang on 09/06/2015 11:36 AM

It's probably fake!


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