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67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Join for better features!

from Brian on 06/20/2015 01:58 PM

Tried to join, or at least check out the eduster site but all I got was a message saying access to that server was FORBIDDEN !  so I think I'll just drift in and out of this site and see what happens.

If another site comes along that is as entertaining to use as the old SH was then I'll be outta this site quicker than a preacher from a whore house.



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: What language will a baby speak if it spends every month with different language speakers?

from Brian on 06/17/2015 01:35 AM

I have relatives who are doing the same dumbass thing only worse they are using 3 differant languages to speak to their twin 2 year olds.

Tried to tell them to pick a core language and key the others off of that but they don't listen. it will be interesting see what wind up happening.

Reply Edited on 06/17/2015 01:35 AM.


67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: If you are religious, what about your religion would you change?

from Brian on 06/13/2015 10:58 AM

This is a difficult thing for me to answer. I call myself a Christian, yet I don't belong to any particular "brand" of Christianity. and therein lies the rub for me.

The only reason there are some many differant brands of Christian churches is because at some point, someone or a group of someones got mad with the church they were members of and decided to form their own.

And the most troubling thing to me is they usually are based off one aspect of Gods word and a whole "faith" is then created from that. ie Baptist Vs Primative Baptist.

All these divisions among people of the Christian faith I don't think has ever been a good thing. Abraham Lincolin correctly stated that a house divided cannot stand. That applies to all manner of houses, including Gods house.

So I have chosen not to join any church, I read scripture, and pray when the need to do so wells in me.

So having said all of that the one thing I'd change about Christianity would be to do away with all the sub-sects of the faith and worship God as one voice.    



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

from Brian on 06/13/2015 10:38 AM

Yes, he is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.....which when it comes to my brothers they didn't give Jesus a very high mark to have to hit. 



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: *New SH!* Check it Out!!

from Brian on 06/13/2015 10:35 AM

I would join any site just about as long as it was fromatted similarly to the old SH I am reluctant to keep joining all these pop-up wanna be sites just for security reason where it concerns the info wanted from me to join.

This site here is the one I'm going to use a base camp and I'll run digital recons to other sites to see if something better has come along.

I never thought I'd miss sodahead like I do ....but it was the only social networking site I used.



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: What is something you have to do but dislike?

from Brian on 06/11/2015 02:07 AM

MY Job, massive stress, no sense of accomplishment just non-stop stress



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Please suggest a name for our new site

from Brian on 06/10/2015 08:59 PM

Live link, or Interlink, bio-Vibe, cybercom, hotwire, foxhunt, talktube, or how about a Native American twist; Ohanzee, which is a Sioux word for Shadow  



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Brian on 06/10/2015 01:22 PM

That is a fact I would "check" in during the day when I wanted to just see what was going on. Glad to see you here Kat 



67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Brian on 06/10/2015 01:19 PM

I agree, what sodahead did was poor judgement at the very least. I had friends that I communicated with on that site and now I have no way of contacting them.
I see that more and more of the ex sodahead users, like refuges streaming in from some war torn region are showing up everday. so maybe in a few weeks most us will be back in the 'ol cyber saddle again.

Reply Edited on 06/10/2015 01:23 PM.


67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Brian on 06/10/2015 03:53 AM

Yes it does, but what annoyes more was the abrupt way they went about it. I have friendships I have formed with people on that site and I have lost all contact with them it really blows.

But this site is encouraging so I'm here for the time being.

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