The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution

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-, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 39

The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution

from Cezar on 06/29/2015 11:47 PM

The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution


Napolitano: If Supreme Court Likes a Statute They Will Change the Meanings of Words to Support It

Judge Napolitano weighed in saying the Supreme Court will now change the meanings of words in order to support a statute.

Sen. Sessions on SCOTUS-Care Decision: This Should "Dispel Illusion We Can Rely on Judges to Save Us"

Conservative Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court acted again to rescue the unconstitutional Obamacare law and the illegal executive actions stemming from it:

The Supreme Court's Obamacare acrobatics should dispel for good the comforting illusion that we can rely on judges to save us. Whether on socialized medicine, executive amnesty, or any other action which erodes our Constitution and the authority of Congress, conservatives will have to rally the everyday voting citizen. There is no greater power than winning the trust and loyalty of the American people. We will need to put down the donor agenda, pick up the banner of the American worker, and carry it to victory."


Reply Edited on 06/29/2015 11:50 PM.


67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution

from stanley on 07/02/2015 01:28 AM

we have a mix of scotuses.  Yet they're supposed to be no wing whatsoever.  I don't think many people realize this.  Their job is not to pander. Their job is to uphold the constitution and veer to protecting the public.


The constitution doesn't answer some of the minutiae of today's questions.  The Supreme Court then goes by wht's tat's the best outcome for the country.  That's their job.  If you don't agree with it get yourself on the Supreme Court.  It's that easy.



-, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 39

Re: The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution

from Cezar on 07/02/2015 10:35 PM

The Supreme Court goes against the country.


They are there only to uphold the Constitution.

They are not there to push an agenda.



68, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: The Supreme Court will not use the Constitution

from Brian on 07/04/2015 12:19 PM

The Supreme Court has now shown that they no longer abide by the Constitution anymore. It has never been within their constitutional powers to Change the wording of a law or add to it or to propose what THEY believe a law should mean. Only to rule on the constitutionality of a law.

They didn't do that when ruled in favor of the AHC (Obamacare/SCOTUScare) and again when "ruled" in favor of again. They have taken it upon themselves to change the eternal definition of what marriage is. And in so doing have left us with NO Definition at all now. The way it has been left doesn't even define how many adult people can make up a leagal marriage now.

Just as I had predicted over a year ago here come the polygamist and with that literally any configuration of people will be permisably now i.e. two men with one woman or a  mix of homosexual and bisexual, straight, genderconfused, you name it.

With this lastest ruling the Supreme court has destroyed one of the bedrock foundations of any viable orderly society, a strong family unit.

Love didn't win, instead another death wound has been inflected into what once a truly great nation, by 9 unelected people.

The celebrations of this 4th of July, sadly will ring hollow for me now     

Reply Edited on 07/04/2015 12:27 PM.

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