Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

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37, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 155

Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from EternalSailorSol on 07/01/2015 05:31 AM

Please read link:

Reply Edited on 07/01/2015 05:31 AM.


67, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from Brian on 07/01/2015 02:56 PM

I expect that Greece will get proped up once again by the IMF and Greece will make more promises to get spending under control. And the proverbial can will be kicked down the road.
But each time that "can" gets kicked it gets a little bigger and more cumbersome to move. This will continue until one day that can will not only cease being able to be kicked, it will come rolling right back down the financial hill it's been being kicked up.

And when that day comes (and it is) it's going to make the 1929 stock market crash look like a walk in the park!

Reply Edited on 07/01/2015 02:57 PM.


66, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from stanley on 07/02/2015 12:00 AM

Argentina did a go-it-on-your-own as did Iceland.  They survived.  However Greece is a small economy.  Tourism is probably their main industry.  But they do have those islands.............  I think they will learn their lesson about being too "giving" to their populus, but I think the best thing for them is to leave the Euro.  If they stay it will probably be worse for them.  But who knows.  We'll see.  Every country is allowed an "eff-up" none of us has ever done everything right in the past.  I wish them well.



79, male

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Posts: 1

Re: Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from blindfaith on 07/05/2015 07:10 PM

Greece is not only the first country to form a democracy, its currency is the oldest in the world, with such history Greece should go it alone and leave the EU. The EU is nothing but a political pipe dream, and even more corrupt than FIFA.



61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Re: Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from Gregaj7 on 07/05/2015 08:45 PM

At this time a municipal corporation illegitimately masquerades as gov't there.  They are tied into the IMF/World-Bank Rothschild system of commerce/law under fraud/coercion of non-disclosure.  Since the "debt" is mere ledger entries, without actual substance, and those ledger entries are backed by the unknowledged populace (hence the phrase "human resources"), the international bankers are attempting a commercial armtwisting of the supposed authority in Greece for the purpose of economic rape/pilage/control for the Vatican/Illuminati Cabal needing to bring their NWO out of current covert status into overt control.
Youtube has a few interviews with John Perkins, who wrote the book "Economic Hitman".  It'd be a good idea to view them.



94, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 161

Re: Is Greece still a country, or still is a country but not for much longer, or what?

from JohnnyRudick on 07/19/2015 01:39 AM

There may be more going on with Greece then what is told outrightly.


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