Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? Is It Really/

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74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? Is It Really/

from Joe61 on 06/27/2015 12:58 AM

After a day of total brutal murdering rampages......Islamic terrorists struck in Tunisia killing 37 Western turists and in France a factory was attacked near Lyons, where a man was decapitated and his dead stuck on the railings of the factory.  Accompanied by the usual Jihadi black flages and the dead mans face painted with Islamic slogans......David Cameron gives a speech condeming the attacks and then capitulating by claiming Islam is a peaceful religion and is not to blame.....

When are these idiots going to realise that the fricking cat is out of the bag and has been since 11/09/2001.....When are they going to stop treating us as total idiots and start calling a spade a spade......Islam is not peaceful, it's whole existence has been moulded around brutal and total barbrism from its very inception.  it's a religion of extermianation and genocide, when are Western leaders going get this into their thick heads......Islam is a Genocidal Dictatorate.....

Reply Edited on 06/27/2015 01:11 AM.


68, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? Is It Really/

from Brian on 06/27/2015 12:56 PM

Islam is a religion of peace in the same way a rat is a German shepard. Anatomically they both have the same basic features, a head, four legs etc. However that is where the similarity ends.



61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Re: Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? Is It Really/

from Gregaj7 on 06/27/2015 05:13 PM

Cameron works for the Vatican/Illuminati Cabal.  That Cabal runs most everything, including Islam, on this planet.


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