Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

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Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from Jules on 07/08/2015 02:13 AM

I'm not sure but you know how many give the "run-around" when they don't want to explain the real reasons for whatever was taken away.  



25, female

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Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from Yami_no_KoHime on 07/08/2015 03:22 AM

Yes. However, he should've given us a week's notice and gave us time to have our accounts deleted and gather emails :I

-Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone



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Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from Bozette on 07/09/2015 10:31 AM

We certainly don't have any choice in accepting the results of the decision.  I do not doubt it was driven by the almighty dollar, though it was very unprofessional.  I admit I am still curious about the fact that we cannot delete our profiles and some users are still showing as being active.  


Deleted user

Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from Freeranger on 07/09/2015 03:01 PM

Bozette, after reading your question a little bell went off with me which asks two questions with a tinge of conspiracy:

1. How many of those Soda Heads would you guess are still "live" on Soda Head?
2. Do you think they were working for Soda Head?

I'd be interested in hearing both your opinion and others.



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Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from corey on 08/13/2015 05:08 AM

I do not accept what he did.  Yes it was for fast money.  But it is how he got said fast money that bothers me.  By changing the "business model" the way he did, he was able to at least throw into doubt , the legality of the use of our user data and sell it to a third party by having said third party buy the company out right , then locking us out to prevent us from deleting our own info.   

Soda head is NOT worth 65 million.  It was our user imput that was worth 65 million to build and fill out profiles about us that can't be aquired by collecting data on signup sheets. 

Our political views, intrests, habits., patterns, etc.  That is worth a shit load of cash.  But with the contract "terms of use, privacy rights" that we agfreed to forbid selling our data to said third party.

so they found away around it, out right buy out.

Ask yourself would you have shared as much input at soda head if they said they would sell your info to third party that does not have your intrest at heart?

I sure as hell would stay as far away from such companies as I could get.

If I had known about who had bought sodahead sooner. I would have gone on a "deleting mission", to delete by editing all post and blanking said post.

They knew that and some problably did, thus locked us out before the data, that was bought for 65 million, was deleted by the users who do NOT want our data used in a fasion without our direct consent.

personally I still think he violated some major contract law or other by selling out to a third party, and if not the law out right then the spirit of the law of trust and ethics.   He definatly found the biggest loophole of them all when it comes to selling to third party,  an out right buyout.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.


Deleted user

Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from HegeMarie on 08/13/2015 08:50 AM

I envision this scenario in my head:
The new owners of SH emptying our mailboxes one by one,  panic's increasing as they little by little realises that all their investment has paid for is birthday greetings, GIFs, complaints, bad jokes and even worse spelling. Some absinth-minded solutions to all the worlds problems, perhaps.
65 million dollars worth of crap.

If it can ease your mind, Corey; that ain't gonna happen here.
Last one to leave have to turn out the lights..



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Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from murph1965 on 08/14/2015 09:43 PM

What was it that Jason Feffer said.  I was off SH for a while, sick husband; tried to get back and discovered and I had been "deleted."

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