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77, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Re: Who would you vote for out of this combined list of Democrats and Republicans for President of the USA in 2016?

from murph1965 on 08/21/2015 12:26 AM

Haven't made up my mind, but like Fiorina, Cruz, Walker, "The Donald," and "The Doctor." 



77, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Politically correct.

from murph1965 on 08/14/2015 09:48 PM

Dear ex-SH's:  I not one bit politically correct.  I will never be politically correct.  I haven't much time for those who are.  My hide is tough - honed by God, country, adversity, and having to fend for myself and my family.   Those who put great stock in using the current "proper" word for whatever will not be answered back in kind by me.  Am happy to chat with anyone about anything but will not be taking the time to make sure I'm using today's correct word/words.  Anyone else feel the same?



77, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

from murph1965 on 08/14/2015 09:43 PM

What was it that Jason Feffer said.  I was off SH for a while, sick husband; tried to get back and discovered and I had been "deleted."


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