Search for posts by Oldesmoke

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43, male

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Re: Greetings

from Oldesmoke on 11/24/2015 04:25 AM

How can we be friends on facebook



43, male

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Re: What do you want in this site to attract you more often?

from Oldesmoke on 11/24/2015 04:22 AM

A like button, and a dislike button



43, male

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 3

Re: What do you want in this site to attract you more often?

from Oldesmoke on 11/24/2015 04:20 AM

People are looking for another site just like soda head. It sucks but it's the truth that this is not it. Having a site like that would take time and money


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