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25, female

  Level 2 - Loudmouth

Posts: 3

Re: Do you want a poll option for your discussion?

from Ms.Ts on 07/09/2015 04:05 AM

Polls would be great in my opinion. They're fun. (But I won't be on the website everyday.) 

Oh, and likes/raves are great. I think that what got most people addicted to sodahead. The idea of having a bunch of people supporting your viewpoints.



25, female

  Level 2 - Loudmouth

Posts: 3

Re: Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

from Ms.Ts on 07/08/2015 03:56 AM

I think he existed as a historical figure. But I don't know if he actually did the impossible, like walking on water and healing the blind. 



25, female

  Level 2 - Loudmouth

Posts: 3

Re: Post a song with a title describing what you feel about what the old SodaHead has done to it's old users.

from Ms.Ts on 07/07/2015 08:09 PM

Bad Blood - Taylor Swift 


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