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50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Black Sabbath or Deep Purple

from NYCBrit on 06/17/2015 12:18 AM

Black Sabbath for sure. I like DP, but I've always been more of a Sabbath fan.



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: How long were you a member on Sodahead?

from NYCBrit on 06/10/2015 05:29 PM

4 years, pretty much to the month



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: How tall are you?

from NYCBrit on 06/10/2015 11:32 AM




50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from NYCBrit on 06/07/2015 09:36 AM

Haven't seen it yet but I've been wanting to. I loved Road Warrior and Thunderdome too. 
Think I'll probably try to catch it online.
Is it worth the time or was it a complete mess? How was Charlize Theron? The trailer made me think her character might be a bit overwhelming.



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Capuchin Or Iguana - Which Would You Prefer As Your Next Pet?

from NYCBrit on 06/06/2015 07:29 PM

Never really liked monkeys at all so I'd have to say the Iguana.



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Favorite metal band from the 80's ?

from NYCBrit on 06/06/2015 07:26 PM

Solo Ozzy, Iron Maiden.
And over the years I've come to look back at Metallica fondly. 



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Which Place Of Business Are You Most Likely To Frequent At 3AM?

from NYCBrit on 06/06/2015 07:19 PM

A 24 hr. supermarket or quick shop, such as Wawa or 7-11



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: How do you feel about the movie Inside Out?

from NYCBrit on 06/05/2015 04:35 AM

Looks cute but I've only seen a couple of ads for it. Hope you enjoy it (and the rest of your b~day too).



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from NYCBrit on 06/05/2015 04:22 AM

I think you hit the nail on the head, Scheissegal... there was something unique about SH that made it a REAL family (online tho it might be for most of us). Just as in a real family, there were people who said things I did NOT like in the least, but that didn't matter. I enjoyed reading people's opinions on some of the stupidest stuff... people who were my friends, people I didn't agree with at all and people I'd not encountered before.  In the almost 4 years I was on, I opened up about things I rarely shared IRL. It was freeing, it was comforting. I learned alot about people (both good & "bad") and that felt great; even, as I said, when it was over the silliest stuff. Personally, I'm still in the "anger" stage of loss. Right now I'm just hoping not to lose that really special experience I'd looked forward to so very often. 



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: Old Soda Heads

from NYCBrit on 06/05/2015 03:15 AM

Real classy way SH just cut everyone loose. Way to reward our loyalty... Gotta wonder what they were afraid was going to happen if they gave people a heads up. Wish them all the worst. Anyway, it's nice to see some familiar names  


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