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66, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 3

Energy of lunar month

from Temlakos on 06/11/2015 11:53 PM

Back on the old site, I used to post things like this in Living. Why? Because the old site did not have a Science and Tech category. This does affect how we live, or at least how people used to live, thousands of years ago.

I'm going to lay on you a very radical theory. I'm going to talk about how the moon got to be the pockmarked orb it is today, why it keeps the same face toward the sun, and when it happened.

First, let's go back 5300 years, give or take 100. Somewhere in that interval, the most violent event in the history of the world, took place. We know it as the Global Flood, or the Biblical Flood. What you don't know, was its scope. That event left scars all over the earth and throughout the solar system.


All right, that will give you a little background. Now: since the author of that video (Walter T. Brown, PhD, formerly Col. Walter T. Brown USAF) made it, he realized something else. All the Mavericks of the Solar system, including meteoroids, comets, asteroids, and even the Trans-Neptunian Objects, formed in space from material from the earth! In the breakout of the subcrustal ocean the video depicts, up to four percent of the earth's mass escaped into space!

And some of it formed asteroids that jetted out into the region we call the Asteroid Belt. Some of it formed larger objects that went into the far beyond--beyond the orbit of Neptune. Some of it--we will never know how much--sailed on and out, never to come back.

But some of it formed near-earth asteroids, or even companion asteroids. These asteroids lie in orbits about one A.U. in semimajor axis, and have a period of about one year. Asteroid 3753 Cruithne is a prize example. With me so far?

Now look at the moon. Why does the moon keep a face toward the earth? Because it has several large objects, called "mascons" (mass concentrations), buried beneath the "seas": Oceanus Procellarum, and Maria Frigoris, Imbrium, Crisium, Tranquillitatis, Serenitatis, Smythii, Humboldtianum, Moscoviense on the far side, et cetera, et cetera.

Those "mascons" look like beads on a couple of strings when you look at them on a special gravity map from the Lunar Prospector mission. What's more, the GRAIL mission, with its twin satellites, shows the moon as a liquid core!

Now consider: a bunch of objects came back to the moon and smacked it, all on one face, hard enough to provoke volcanic activity--hence the maria. The imbalance in the mass of the moon turned it to face the earth and keep facing it.

Suppose they all came from the same object? It's a whole lot simpler to suppose one object broke apart and rained its fragments on the moon at once, than that a bunch of big objects happened to smack the moon, all on one face. I mean, figure the odds!

So here's my scenario: Earth once had another companion asteroid, one that would go away from the earth, then come back, in a horseshoe-like path, like that of Cruithne. Suppose it's much bigger than Cruithne. Suppose also that its orbit coincides with the plane of the ecliptic instead of being inclined nineteen degrees. Why not? Now suppose this object came within the Roche limit of either the earth or the moon. And then broke up. Most of its fragments fell to the moon, like beads on one or two strings. (Shoemaker-Levy 9 broke in pieces, which rained on Jupiter like beads on a string.)

When did this happen? I have an idea for that, too. Suppose one or two of the fragments fell, not to the moon, but to the earth. Such a strike would kick up some dust, wouldn't it? Suppose the dust drifted over central Africa and interfered with the weather over the sources of the Nile River. And maybe that happened at about 1821 BC, or up to five years earlier, give or take two or three.

Just saying: we know something did interfere with the flow of the Nile somewhere about that time. The result was the Biblical Famine.


Energy of lunar month | Conservative News and Views

Energy of Lunar Month | Creation Science Hall of Fame

Reply Edited on 06/11/2015 11:58 PM.


66, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 3

Cities without borders

from Temlakos on 06/10/2015 07:55 PM

A polity--a city or a nation-state--without borders is no polity at all. An America without borders will soon not be the America we knew.

 Cities without borders



66, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 3

Obamacare: twisted morals

from Temlakos on 06/10/2015 04:48 PM

Barack Obama tried to make a moral case for his signature law, Obamacare. He has neither his facts nor his moral sense straight on this law.

Read in full at Obamacare: twisted morals


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