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73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Do you put ketchup on your fries?

from lovita on 10/27/2015 06:35 AM

Hi Ang,

I hope I didn't offend you when I said I don't like catsup on my fries.  If I did, I'm really sorry.



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Which TV show do you like best? Law & Order SUV or Longmire or Nashville?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 08:58 AM

NASHVILLE!  I caught part of one episode last month and loved the music.  I like that all the actors do their own singing.

I used to watch LAW & ORDER SVU but stopped watching after Christopher Meloni left the show.  I still watch reruns of the original LAW & ORDER. 



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Do you put ketchup on your fries?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 08:33 AM

I don't like catsup on my fries.  Only on deep-fried, battered fish.  (my nephew thinks that's gross......)  Sometimes I'll put pepper on my fries in a restaurant.   McDonald's fries don't need any extra seasoning!!!



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Which do you like more, silver or gold?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 08:23 AM

I prefer ROSE GOLD.  Silver has to be polished all the time and my silver earrings still get tarnished.

Honeyrose, I love the picture of the ROSE GOLD ring!  BEAUTIFUL!!!!!




73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Greetings

from lovita on 10/24/2015 08:16 AM

Hello SisterJean! 

It's so nice to find you here! I hope you've been well.  I look forward to seeing posts from you.



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 07:57 AM

Not really "annoyed."  I just wish we could have our FRIEND LIST so we can contact friends and tell them "WE'RE HERE!"  I know all of our data from the original SODAHEAD wasn't delted, so isn't it possible to transfer that data to this new site?  All my pictures are gone!  I do miss not having acces to GOOGLE IMAGES anymore.  I really liked that feature.



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Do you enjoy a cold pop with your pizza?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 07:44 AM

I like PEPSI with my pizza but now we drink ice water ("the healthy drink!) with a slice of lemon.



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27


from lovita on 10/24/2015 07:32 AM

Last week Saturday, my sister was in a Walmart store looking for  SHOWER TO SHOWER BATH POWDER. She and I have found this powder on the shelf before.   The store clerk told my sister that SHOWER TO SHOWER powder has been removed from the shelf because people are using the powder to make drugs.  (REALLY??????)  If you want the powder, a clerk will go in the back and get it for you.   Right now, SHOWER TO SHOWER BATH POWDER isn't available in any of the Walmarts in my area.   Has anyone ever heard about people using SHOWER TO SHOWER BATH POWDER to make drugs?



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: What is your favourite chocolate?

from lovita on 07/24/2015 08:41 PM

I'm sorry!  I didn't realize I had answered your question before!  I see CHOCOLATE and I get all EXCITED!!!!!



73, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: What is your favourite chocolate?

from lovita on 07/24/2015 08:38 PM

Chocolate with liquor: RIESEN DARK CHOCOLATE.  Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, Hershey's Milk Chocolate (YUM!!!!) and Mrs. See's Caramel-Marshmello patties!!!!  MMMMMM!!!!!! 

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