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44, male

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Posts: 13

Re: Somebody has got to be the bad guy...might as well be me...

from ConcernedAmerican2015 on 06/09/2015 05:50 AM

Not Billary, deffinitely Rand Paul. Everyone thinks he is an extension of his father, nothing could be further from the truth.  Let us not forget that it was Rand Paul who supported Mitt Romney for the nomination despite the fact that his father was the contender. That to me says the guy has principals and will not bow to anyones will, not even his own father.



44, male

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Posts: 13

Is homosexuality just another variant of human sexuality, or is it sexual deviance and an abnormality?

from ConcernedAmerican2015 on 06/09/2015 05:43 AM

For me personally I do not see homosexuality as at all normal or natural. People, especially those who are incompetent; will often argue that animals in the wild are gay therefore it is natural. First that is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and it is fundamentally irresponsible rhetoric taking the place of actual scientific observation.
The fact is no wild animal may be referred to as homosexual, that is a term developed by and for humans and is only relevant in this context. Also, animals are not gay!! My dog will hump a stuffed frog or air for that matter, does that mean he prefers air over a female? Of course not! The reality is that animals are guided by instinct not intellect. Their instict to procreate, which cannot be achieved through homosexual relations; is so strong indeed, that they will attempt to do so with anyone or anything. We cannot attribute human motivations to animals in the wild.

I also read quite often that some gays believe they had no choice in the matter or that they were "born this way", although the hundreds of thousands of ex gay people have nearly squashed that silly notion.

What are your thoughts?



44, male

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Posts: 13

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from ConcernedAmerican2015 on 06/09/2015 05:27 AM

The more I think about it the more I am apt to believe that this was politically motivated. The conservative views that were often expressed on SH were more times than not; disparaging of liberals and progressives. If the idea was to silence the right, than they must also silence the left as to no seem discriminatory. If one would recall, in the weeks leading up to "the sodahead debacle"; there were many polls/questions that were critical of the left and particularly Madam secretary Clinton.
Also, anytime I ever spoke critically of homosexuals my account was immediately suspended. no matter how delicately I tread. With the coming 2016 Presidential election, I don't think one would have to stretch very far to see where I am going with this.
I think you will see more of these type sites being mysteriously repurposed, and I do not think it is at all mysterious.

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