So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

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  Level 5 - Activist

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So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Myownhero on 06/09/2015 04:06 AM

I'm not really buying the Sodahead story.  I mean cmon.  If you have a website as popular as Sodahead you don't just close it down and move as far away from it as they have.  There is money to be made there, and A LOT of it when you consider all of the internet traffic it received every month.  Why just basically GIVE all of that away?  So here are a few options (Soda style..well kinda)  Either A. They are trying to silence the right.  B. They are trying to silence the left.  C. They are going to unveil Sodahead/Swagbucks 2.0 soon  or D.  Here's what I think....  I'm very interested in hearing anyone's opinion..  Thanks =)



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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from ConcernedAmerican2015 on 06/09/2015 05:27 AM

The more I think about it the more I am apt to believe that this was politically motivated. The conservative views that were often expressed on SH were more times than not; disparaging of liberals and progressives. If the idea was to silence the right, than they must also silence the left as to no seem discriminatory. If one would recall, in the weeks leading up to "the sodahead debacle"; there were many polls/questions that were critical of the left and particularly Madam secretary Clinton.
Also, anytime I ever spoke critically of homosexuals my account was immediately suspended. no matter how delicately I tread. With the coming 2016 Presidential election, I don't think one would have to stretch very far to see where I am going with this.
I think you will see more of these type sites being mysteriously repurposed, and I do not think it is at all mysterious.



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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Myownhero on 06/09/2015 05:40 AM

I agree. There's definitely more to this than Fef going off to make more money.  Sodahead IS money.


Deleted user

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Skunky on 06/11/2015 02:45 AM

who knows. i don't care about sodahead anymore, im over it now.



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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Kat on 06/17/2015 08:10 PM

Government Conspiracy, I heard it from my mothers, uncles second cousin twice removeds gardners favorite myna bird snitch. Shhh



74, male

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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 11:06 AM

All the Bigs guns have announced their Presidential aspirations.....Perhaps it's been aquired on behalf of a government agency, to ensure the Administrations voice prevails.

Just a thought!


Deleted user

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Freeranger on 06/19/2015 01:21 AM

I'm just letting it ride.....I really have no idea.



61, male

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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Gregaj7 on 06/19/2015 08:09 AM

SH had many issues in the negative.  I like Concerned American's POV on the situation.  It also may have been a "threat to Nat'l Security" for much of the exposing that many were using SH to do.



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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from corey on 06/20/2015 01:28 AM

the real story is what does swagbucks do.  

Swagbucks is a user habit data mining service.
They sell user data, that is their business model. the polling ability is NOT worth 61 million dollars.   But user data is worth MORE than 61 million.  The polling ability was simply a bonus.

corporations and organizations pay top dollar for "people profiles" especially if they can be identified and linked to demographic data.  This kind of data, that if the government collected such data, would be in major violation of the constitution of the USA.

The proof that I am right is in how much swagbucks paid out in rewards.   They are making FAR MORE than what is paid out. Or swagbucks would of gone under a long time ago.

One of the reasons that I can see why swagbucks would do such a move is that we have addons like adblockerplus that may be cutting into their revenue. So they were looking for another means to compinsate for the profit loss.

From a corporate stand point its an ingenious move. Because here you have a user database of people who most likely were avoiding swagbucks and their ilk.  They want our data so they buyout a high profile site like sodahead as a means to legally get it, when we do not vollenteer that data willingly.

In a way the data of users who have been avoiding them like the plague in many ways, may be worth more than those that willingly give it.  Especially if there is a lot of it. like archives of data.    they get all this data at once and which means instant LARGE profit, because its all at once and not spread out over time, like the traditional swagbucks meathod..

From a consumer standpoint this is our worst nightmare comming to reality, because they now have data that we would not want some random organization or corporation to have.  The kind of data we activily avoid givng to such Amoral profiteering groups. And what is worse is that it maybe completely legal due to the fact they bought them out and with the way current contract law is written in where the user agreement can be changed and is binding without the user consent or foreknowledge.

In otherwords we were literally and figuretily, virtually raped and mugged and tortured for our personal info and secrets. And we are expected to say "thank you so much for abusing us in this manor and please do it more".

enough is enough.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



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Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Bozette on 07/02/2015 09:50 AM

Good point Greg.  There was  a lot exposed on SH.  That's one thing I haven't really found on any of these other sites.  And the thing was, SH had such a diverse range of people - yes, there really was - that many that would probably never had been exposed to some of that info were made aware.  And the subjects being exposed also varied widely.  That is really what I miss most about the site.  I happened across a lot of things that prompted me to do further research, which I often shared on there with others.

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