Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

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94, male

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from JohnnyRudick on 06/11/2015 07:01 AM

Nost are not aware of it but yes.
Some are using them to give it a good whack.



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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from corey on 06/12/2015 08:12 PM

hear hear @ProudSaul

not to mention forcing "bosses religious beliefs" on the employees.  or Allowing Bosses to speak their own beliefs as if it was their employee's own beliefs.  "This is  a libertarian belief systems".  where they think they have the right to FORCE everyone else to believe in the same things they themselves believe.

Libertarians have gotten a hold of the supreme court justice somehow, in regards to the two I just mentioned.. where they dictated that "freedom of religion": is the right to FORCE other's to follow elites own religious beliefs. Which the constitution explicetly forbids.

I am going to head this one off right now
Gay people are NOT forcing their beliefs on others, when it comes to getting married in a church.  They are simply conduction business in a church "a transaction" of joining households under god.  They are not forcing the church or its members  to believe that being gay is ok or not. Its just a business deal made with the represenetives of God for a union.
That's it.

Libertarians are the ones that HOLD the bulk of the wealth and are using it to misdirect the public, confuse the bublic, and out right lie to the public.  Because the "united well informed public" is a thorn in their sides of a government run by them,  for them. think: koch brothers

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from corey on 06/12/2015 10:23 PM

Apologize beforehand "sorry for this little rant" this is why I prefer chatrooms over forums don't know where to stop lol.
And I don't like getting taken out of context which is one of the reasons my posts tend to run longer, I am simply trying to be clear. I have a hard time puting complex issues in only a few words without loosing context.

This may not sound like it fits here but it does because there is plenty of confusion as to WHO is actually pulling the strings that leads to this so called "religious freedom"

following is in regards to blaming the progressives for the problems we are in as a nation.  It would be sad if you fell for the elitist propaganda of slight of hands and misdirections, and outright lies.

Most of the progressives are not elitist, but everyday people, joined through REAL actual grassroots movements.

Tea party is A Faux grassroots movement. DO NOT confuse tea party with progressives or even grassroots movements.

Follow the "dark money" like the origions of the "ACA" which started with the "heritiage foundation" as far back as 1998. and a LOT of the policies are comming out of ALEC "discised" as bills that might "sound like" they origionate from a progressive group. But when you actually look at the "text" of the bill, it only favors the financial and global elites like koch brothers, who are decidedly "extremist libertarians". "Americans for prosperity" is a "progressive sounding name" but it is in fact a front for koch brothers. "Citizen's united" is a "progressive sounding name" but it is in fact a "libertarian group, financial elites, and corporate elites". Tea party is HARD CORE libertarian, "Heavily Koch brother funded" which is where a LOT of what you think is comming from progressives is actually, drived inside the "tea party".

If you been getting your information from "mainstream media" I can understand why you would be confused. since most of the mainstream media is actually owned by "libertarian style mindset" Ever wonder why TPP is not getting discussed in mainstream on dailly basis? TPP and TTIP is a libertarian's wet dream because they are written by them.

You really need to look into A.L.E.C. many if not most bills are written by them, that are destroying America and the world. Which are then submitted to which ever politician is duped into taking them.  A Politician in florida forgot to take off the ALEC mission statement from the bill before submitting it wholesale, Before it was redacted and had said mission statement removed while the bill itself stayed intact and resubmitted.  It was the progressive watchdog group that caught it coppied it and put it on open internet where everyone could see for themselves what is really going on as far as who is actually pulling the strings.     In otherwords ALEC was caught red handed AlEC is a libertarian front. 

Here is one of the cofounders of ALEC and heritiage foundation <-- its this form of so called "religious freedom" and "moral Majority" that is being pushed.  When its not "religious freedom" at all.  Its    "Proselytism"   discised as "religious freedom"

Just to point out that I am not being all one-sided  the anti-gun and disarnament is being pushed hard by the "extreme lefty. " like the "brady campaign".      "Brady campaign" would only work in a world where homosapiens was NON-violent on a DNA level.   "In a world, where man has no sin" To quote "Serenity" the movie.  <--- this last quote would be in reference to the extremist righty who want to disarm the population for their own ends (tyranny).

the progressive left is trying to restore equality to the USA By blocking things like TPP, TTIP, fracking,  , Other related Tar-sand pipelines, pushing for clean energy( what ever that might be), demanding labeling of GMO, Banning of toxic pesitcides killing us,  reducing the wealth disparity,(trickle down ecconemy never works for soiciety in the long run), over turning citizens united, over turning hobby lobby, overturning and restoring "cororation personhood" back to "corporate entity", restoring regulations that keep corporations from abusing and preying on the consumer, restoring accountability of corporation wrongdoing, demanding transparity to dark money in politics,  etc.    These things that we are trying to stop and or restore or fix is what was and is actually destroying America.  

I honestly don't think you have any real clue what progressive is.  Its about stoing abuse by powerful peole or organizations and keeping them in check, that includes keping the government in check, like removing the "patriot act" as example, which violates many of the bill of rights.

progressives are also the ones saying that religious freedom has limits just like freedom of speech.  We want balance, not control. We also believe that others should not forced their way of life upon other in most cases , like not forcing your employees to practice the same religion as the employer.

ALEC links

Quote "During the 2011-2012 legislative session, 132 bills based on ALEC models were introduced in the states. Democrats sponsored nearly 10% of those bills, while Republicans sponsored more than 90%. Nearly two-thirds of those bills were introduced in state lower chambers, while only 34% were introduced in upper chambers. Of those legislators who sponsored ALEC model legislation, 57% can be explicitly connected to ALEC. However, that does not necessarily preclude the other legislators from having ALEC ties; ALEC does not disclose the names of their legislative members, so this figure is based primarily on information from leaked documents."

the anti woman choice comes out of ALEC as well, or some of them do.


point is a lot of what your blaming on progressive actually origionate with groups like ALEC.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from Lady on 06/13/2015 06:01 PM

The simple answer is "yes" and it is all part of Obama's strategy to continue following the Cloward Piven strategy.


Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from BillyJ on 06/26/2015 11:06 PM

I'd put that ball more in the Right wing Nut jobs colum



68, male

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from Brian on 06/27/2015 01:19 PM

I think the "Liberal Left" is and has been engaged in a long and on-going effort to create their vision of a manmade utopia apart from the Creator. And in so doing they will destroy, tear down or remake what ever they believe is necessary to acheive that goal.

The evidence is in the things you see that left vehemently supports or rail against. Christian believers are now openly being pushed to the top of their "hit list" as the cause of all the worlds troubles. The funny thing is this precisely what the Christian Bible predicted would happen in the end days as mankind races headlong to his ulitimate fate, So the Liberal Left is actually fullfilling Bible prophecy and they don't even know it     



68, male

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from Brian on 06/27/2015 01:44 PM

How so Billy J ? In just the last 50 yrs Liberal polices have brought about more change to this country since it's founding. What Consevtive policies have been passed that have done anything, sadly I can't think of any. LBJ's Great Society was not only passed but it has been expanded to the point that we have spent 15 trillion tax dollars trying to eliminate poverty in this country and yet we have more people living below the ever rising "poverty line" than ever.

We have passed abortion rights, homosexual marriage, we reaise the minimum wage in the face of all logic, tax business at rates higher than any other industrilized nantion.

We have passed evironmental laws that go well beyond protecting the environment to the point where it is impossable to start or maintain a profitable business anymore.

We have passed a "health care law" that has nothing to do with healtcare, and is costing Americans billions higher insurance premiums.

In essence liberal policies have been winning across the board for a very long time now so if the country is deemed to be in a mess right now it hasn't been because of consevative policy.   

Reply Edited on 06/27/2015 01:45 PM.


68, male

  Level 5 - Activist

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from Brian on 06/28/2015 11:45 AM

Cat you  are right about who is actually behind whats being done to our country. I remember hearing a speach by Hubert Humphrey who at the time of that particular speech was considered to be a huge Liberal.

But the interesting thing to note here is that his speech sounded like it could have been written by Ronald Reagan. it had a very patiotic tone, with referances to God and the need for a sound family unit and lower taxes and much much more.

I think the Liberals of the 1950's & 60's were over taken by the communist progressives and I think that started in earnest after the '68 Democratic presidential convention.  After that things really began to change for the Democrat party and the traditional Liberal Philosophy.

The same thing has happened to the Republican party. We no longer have a two party system any more. What we have are actors who play their "parts" at election time. Then when the dust has settled they all go about forwarding the Progressive movement a little farther up the playing field.   



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  Level 7 - Critic

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from Lady on 06/28/2015 03:24 PM

I agree with you

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



74, female

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Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

from ozzyboy on 06/28/2015 11:00 PM

Brian, you have laid it out beautifully and, I believe accurately. I'm with Lady in agreeing with you.

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