Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

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61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Gregaj7 on 06/10/2015 04:08 AM

It seems, to them, the wrong kind of folk were networking there.
Kudos to those that set-up this site.



45, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 23

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Transquesta on 06/12/2015 06:00 AM

Sure it annoys me, but I've grown to expect underhanded crap like this.  Besides, being that I never paid anything to be a member there, whatever time I got was a bonus from Day One.

Government kills



55, female

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Posts: 1755

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Ang on 06/12/2015 07:13 AM

It's just really sad, Fanpop is a really good site, just not enough people on the pages I like. It says it has many members but there's hardly anyone there. 
But I am glad that I found the friends I had there, especially one in particular who has became one of the best friends I've ever had, she's a wonderful person & a really good friend whom I hope will be a lifelong one. 



99, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 52

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from GreatLakes on 06/14/2015 08:17 PM

I was quite annoyed but happy to see many SH-er's looking for ways to stay together.



99, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 59

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Jdogg on 06/23/2015 06:38 AM

I think it was really dirty of them to just kick everyone off like the way they did it, Some warning before they dropped the bomb on everyone like they did, but as time has gone on, I really don't miss it too much, As each day arrives I find it's almost a distant memory now, I have just about reconnected with everyone I used to know on there, I just hope it don't become a liberal hatefest ghetto that SH seemed to turn into before it shut down. But I still have to wonder if the federal government actually had something to do with it being put out of business, there was a lot of hate towards the president and most most of the politicians in dc also.

Reply Edited on 06/23/2015 06:39 AM.


45, male

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 36

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from mrhungry1455 on 10/20/2015 10:39 AM

Soda head ain't dead it is now a website for stupid people that think the smart people they blocked from exposing its b.s opinions 89% some were real.Im even starting to believe this website is not worth my internet providers data.Wheres the real Americans who were broke from getting raped while repupiblicans were in office.I don't care if Obama is black ,Muslim ,socialist,Gay or cloned Egyption.We all have jobs again and better ones unless your undocumentated fast food slave.Gas is cheaper stocks up.Unemployment down.So don't talk about be about it.I want to see Donald trumps wig bring the old America back.Back to slavery and oppression.Where you at black Republican guy trying to see if you can do what Obama did or fake Mexican who probly never been jail or ate torttilas and top ramen.


Deleted user

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Jules on 10/20/2015 07:08 PM

No not in the least.   I got over it since they closed it to us in June.  There is nothing we can do about it but to go on with life.  There are plenty of sites to join anyway.        If those owners lied to us all about the reason we just have to let it be.
I know I moved on. 



74, female

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 27

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from lovita on 10/24/2015 07:57 AM

Not really "annoyed."  I just wish we could have our FRIEND LIST so we can contact friends and tell them "WE'RE HERE!"  I know all of our data from the original SODAHEAD wasn't delted, so isn't it possible to transfer that data to this new site?  All my pictures are gone!  I do miss not having acces to GOOGLE IMAGES anymore.  I really liked that feature.


Deleted user

Re: Does it annoy you that they have killed SodaHead?

from Gun on 10/25/2015 09:53 AM

What annoys me is the lack of common decency towards the members. Yes, we paid nothing to be there, but our being there is what made the site have any value at all.

It also annoys me that so many morons decided to slip in their hatred and vitriol regarding a particular political group when responding to this very simple "yes or no" question.

It annoys me even further that certain groups and cliques managed to infiltrate and are working vigorously to take over other sites where former Sodahead users sought refuge.

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