Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

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  Level 11 - Analyst

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Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from Kat on 06/07/2015 01:48 AM

I saw it, love 2 Road Warrior and 3 Beyond Thunderdome. This one to me sucked. I think it was that stupid truck with the guitar and drums not the lack of Mel Gibson. What did you like or dislike?


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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from Freeranger on 06/07/2015 01:55 AM

I watched all the originals years ago.  I thought I'd get out to see this one, but I didn't.  I'll probably pick it up on DVD.



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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from Kat on 06/07/2015 02:31 AM

It wasn't their best effort. George Kennedy had help this time. Not sure it helped.



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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from NYCBrit on 06/07/2015 09:36 AM

Haven't seen it yet but I've been wanting to. I loved Road Warrior and Thunderdome too. 
Think I'll probably try to catch it online.
Is it worth the time or was it a complete mess? How was Charlize Theron? The trailer made me think her character might be a bit overwhelming.



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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from amberleechoo on 06/07/2015 11:17 PM

Well it´s the first time I hear about it.



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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from SeanMcDonald on 06/08/2015 05:12 AM

Haven't seen it Yet ? but from seeing the trailer looks prosiming



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Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from Gregaj7 on 06/08/2015 07:43 AM

Not yet.  DVD from the library.



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  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

Re: Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?

from Kat on 06/09/2015 12:56 AM

It's weird in places. Most of the characters are a bit overwhelming at times. I'd see it once out of curiosity at least. I'm just glad I caught the buget hours at the theater. edited for my sticky S key.

Reply Edited on 06/09/2015 12:56 AM.

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