A Dirge to Sodahead

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-, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Kat on 06/07/2015 03:32 AM

Sodahead was unique. But I disagree with Fef and the people that bought it. It was the members that made it popular not them. We did go there daily sometimes many times a day to talk to friends and check happenings. What they did was low.



48, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from JMPGoatjumper on 06/07/2015 04:37 AM

@ Peewee  Indeed.   I don;t even like going to Fef's token Facbook group AT ALL.

I'm going to troll the shit out of hm 



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  Level 5 - Activist

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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Kara on 06/07/2015 07:01 AM

I agree.  They did not care about our feelings.  They handled it wrong.  There is still a lot of secrecy about what happened.  We will never know the entire truth.



61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Gregaj7 on 06/09/2015 03:14 AM

Congrats on finding the "girl of your dreams".  Much of what you listed I agree with.



58, female

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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from MrsJJS on 06/10/2015 07:37 AM

Originally being from the States I used SH to keep in touch with what's going on over there. As I'm keenly interested in politics and news SH was effectively a one stop shop for all the goings on, things that I wouldn't hear about in the UK that members kindly posted. It was great not having to site hop to get information. I also enjoyed reading people's opinions about things. And as I have a tendency to be a bit opinionated myself I enjoyed putting my two cents in every now and again...lol



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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from corey on 06/10/2015 08:14 AM

ok I feel old, considering SH was not my first "real site".  Mine was "MSN chat" which was shut down long before SH was around.

IRC is a bit too complicated for me. being tied closely with computer lingo as means of getting around.

So SH was my place to go to just blow steam without having to be too serious about issues unless I was in the mood to be serious.

For serious stuff though, I go to a progressive user generated news site and activist patitioning, which is expanding exponentially so to speak right now. (I won't list it here because its an active site that would be competing with this one.)

I refuse to use face book, goolge, and such, due to poor privacy rights protections.

Due to the time consuming wait between responses I tended to say by 2 cents and move on. Not much for back and forth conversations in a forum setting.  especially after being spoiled by the fluidity and simplicity of "MSN chat"

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



45, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 23

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Transquesta on 06/10/2015 10:29 AM

Low?! What they did was positively scummy.

Sure, the younger members will just pick up and move on, but the older demographic relied on Sodahead for their sanity.

Government kills



68, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Brian on 06/10/2015 01:19 PM

I agree, what sodahead did was poor judgement at the very least. I had friends that I communicated with on that site and now I have no way of contacting them.
I see that more and more of the ex sodahead users, like refuges streaming in from some war torn region are showing up everday. so maybe in a few weeks most us will be back in the 'ol cyber saddle again.

Reply Edited on 06/10/2015 01:23 PM.


68, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 30

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Brian on 06/10/2015 01:22 PM

That is a fact I would "check" in during the day when I wanted to just see what was going on. Glad to see you here Kat 



29, female

  Level 17 - Ambassador

Posts: 259

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from amberleechoo on 06/10/2015 02:23 PM

I needed a place I could go to where I could open me up more than waht I do in real life. I´m a shy girl who doesn´t talk so much and needed a place where I could share my opinions and questions and found Sodahead which suited me well. And that was a site I spent a lot time on which now is taken away from me:( There was a member on that site who I have been really close to the latest months and he means a lot to me and which I probably never would have met if it wasn´t because of Sodahead.Will there ever be a site like that:(

Reply Edited on 06/10/2015 02:27 PM.
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