A Dirge to Sodahead

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29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

A Dirge to Sodahead

from Scheissegal on 06/05/2015 01:15 AM

Sodahead was a unique site, what many of us considered our first real site. We visited daily, checked our happenings, responded to our messages, answered the questions. Day after day, rave afer rave, some friendships were formed amongst the sock accounts and the trolls. They were tight friendships, binded only by a single site, some soul connections. I drove three hours up to Massachussets to meet the girl of my dreams, she who I found on Sodahead. As a community, surely we can agree that...while our views had differed from many others, we feel as though there was some kind of connection to everyone on the site...all it took was a lengthy look at the profile picture, the name, the profile--it was apparent. We were not just a website. We were not just a community. We were a family. Every single one of us.

I will miss all of the unique terms (rave, happenings). I will miss the formatting. I will miss posting pictures and gifs. I will miss the frequent friendly and rude debates. I will miss the easy communication with tech support. I will miss creating clever questions. I will miss expressing my opinion. I will even miss the leaderboard. But most of all, I will miss all of the strong connections I made with people with whom I will never speak to again.

What will you guys miss? 



-, female

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Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Bozette on 06/05/2015 02:45 AM

I stumbled across SH at a very...difficult...time in my life.  I had lost my husband, had to carry on where two were doing what previously three and four had done...alone.  I was soooo tired at night, but couldn't sleep.  Enter SH.  LOL  It filled a void and I ended up making some truly amazing friends.  Some I interacted with on the site, and am a better person for "knowing" them.  Others I emailed, mailed, spoke to on the phone...a couple I have met in person.  Bottom line, I made some very good friends.  Some, I believe, will be lifetime friends.  I admit to astonishment, which was quickly followed by outrage, at what SH did.  I have lived through enough, both good and bad, however, to realize that something good, something very, very good will be the result of this.



32, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 50

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from SeanMcDonald on 06/05/2015 04:17 AM

I discovered sodahead back in December of 2011 which wasn't the greatest time in my life my mother passed away in june of that year at age 48 I still griefing especially the holidays coming up. I came across sodahead when I saw my brother's account on there I thought it interesting so I created my own account. Being on that site for 3 years (would of been 4 in december) was great made alot of great friends on there. got to express my opinions on topics was easy to use. hopefully I can find another site sodahead



50, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 10

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from NYCBrit on 06/05/2015 04:22 AM

I think you hit the nail on the head, Scheissegal... there was something unique about SH that made it a REAL family (online tho it might be for most of us). Just as in a real family, there were people who said things I did NOT like in the least, but that didn't matter. I enjoyed reading people's opinions on some of the stupidest stuff... people who were my friends, people I didn't agree with at all and people I'd not encountered before.  In the almost 4 years I was on, I opened up about things I rarely shared IRL. It was freeing, it was comforting. I learned alot about people (both good & "bad") and that felt great; even, as I said, when it was over the silliest stuff. Personally, I'm still in the "anger" stage of loss. Right now I'm just hoping not to lose that really special experience I'd looked forward to so very often. 



67, female

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Posts: 15

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Peewee on 06/05/2015 04:41 AM

This is way better than the Facebook thing.   I'm glad to see people here.



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Scheissegal on 06/05/2015 08:07 AM

Thank you guys for your responses...I really enjoyed reading them. It felt like I was back on Sodahead, reading opinions. I enjoy hearing your stories and am surprised to find out that there seems to be many others who had met Sodahead users in person.

Thank you also, for your compliment NYCBrit. I sympathize with your feelings perfectly.

To Sean, I had used Quibblo briefly before discovering Sodahead years ago. You could try that.



38, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 155

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from EternalSailorSol on 06/06/2015 05:24 AM

I miss going to check my happenings, connecting with others, helping others with their problems, people helping me with my problems, checking my 'mail' (at times) (I had to deal with a few socks and some people who just need a reality check to put it politely. I wish I was able to say good bye to those that likely will never communicate with again, but SodaHead was Cold hearted enough to not allow that. I am glad to have found this site, to run into at least some old SodaHead members. I hope many more will join. 

Reply Edited on 06/06/2015 05:26 AM.


29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:40 AM

@EternalSailorSol- I empathize completely, thanks for being the first to actually give a list of things you will miss. And yup, I'm going to be treating this just like the old Sodahead. Glad my activity won't be funding those asswipes this time around.


Deleted user

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from SparkysMom on 06/06/2015 07:48 AM

You can upload images.  Next to the font size is a box for insert/edit images.

You can also upload videos. Use the old embed code from youtube.


Deleted user

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from JohnT on 06/06/2015 03:41 PM

  SH for me was a mix of interesting and also very infantile. Lots of Drama, meaness and arrogance. It sure was not the first site that I was shut out of, so I am not that upset. The first time around your pretty angry but this about the fourth time for me.

I was on Lycos when it went down, I was on Excite when they shut it down, and the tougheset one was SmartComputing which was a computer help site which was a platform from their Magazine which was a Sandhills publiciation.

They shut out thousands of people than turned the publication into a online site. They eventually went belly up and we all applauded. Three friends of mine got together and we formed a computer help site called Smartestcomputing. We still have it almost 12 years later and have some good members.

With these sites you can almost read the writing on the wall. Poor admin and moderation, their posts were a mixed mess, and mostly off topic in all forums. No site updates and gltiches were not fixed or ignored. When all is said and done it is business and they could care less about people, sad but that is the WWW for you.

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