Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

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38, female

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 155

Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

from EternalSailorSol on 06/17/2015 12:27 AM

I got Windows 7, on this laptop I had since around 2011 or so. 

I heard Windows 8 was not good. I heard there was a Windows 8.1 (not sure if it is true or not).




80, female

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 18

Re: Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

from Seonag on 06/17/2015 02:24 PM

I've been running Windows 8.1 for about a year now and, once I got used to some changes over 7, I like it. I'm not sure about Windows 10 since I understand it actually won't be released until July 29. You would have to buy Win 8.1, but you can reserve a free upgrade to Win 10. Go to c/net for information on Windows 10:



-, female

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Re: Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

from Lady on 06/17/2015 04:50 PM

Rahter than issue patches for the problems with Windows 8, Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 to those registered users of Windows 8 or later 8 version.  I've noticed Microsoft has already been downloading parts of Windows 10 to our computers in the overnight hours.  They are supposed to send you a notice when it is completed.

I'll be glad when Explorer is also updated to their new version.  I've been using Firefox and Google Chrome in lieu of Explorer because of its many problems.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie

Reply Edited on 06/17/2015 04:51 PM.

Deleted user

Re: Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

from Skunky on 06/17/2015 05:47 PM

windows 8 sucks on any machine. 



60, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 37

Is Windows 10 (as a laptop) any good?

from Mopvyzo_USA on 06/17/2015 07:11 PM

I have 8.1 and I lke it.



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