If you don't want to vote, DON'T complain

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69, male

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 4

If you don't want to vote, DON'T complain

from DutchHeretic on 06/10/2015 10:38 PM

Note, this goes for BOTH sides


When I have as discussion politics here in the Netherlands and there are several political parties in the Netherlands to talk about it is not much different as what is happening in the USA believe me.
Everyone is complaining.
So when I ask "which party did you vote for" the answer is mostly "I didn't go to vote"


notice: Voting in the Netherlands is very simple, you receive a personalized voter card in the mail and wit that you can vote, that's all.

I ask "why not? it only takes a few minutes and it is always in walking distance" And the reply is always "it makes no difference anyway"
Then I cannot help to say "Than stop whining! If you don't vote, you have no right to complain"

And it really frustrating that the supporters of the parties that ruin our country DO vote..
Sometimes I think,
"if you don't want to vote, you deserve the rotten government you get" ..


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