Freedom and Flags under attack

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  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 39

Freedom and Flags under attack

from Cezar on 06/25/2015 08:34 PM

From youtube, Gabor Zolna

Please open the attached link, re the petition that was sent to Washington, re the removal of Old Glory! Old Glory is under attack, as I said it would be. This Administration won't rest, until ,"Old Glory," is removed from our country.


"To achieve world government,
It is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, Nationalism and religious dogmas.
If it cannot be done gently,
it may have to be done . . . violently."

-G. Brock Chisholm,
The Re-Establishment of Peacetime Society

"Take away the heritage of a people
and they are easily persuaded
[and conquered]."

Kosher Communist, Karl Marx





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