Do you Believe in Aliens?

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-, female

  Level 7 - Critic

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Do you Believe in Aliens?

from Lady on 06/17/2015 10:41 PM


Alien UFO Fires Energy Beam Over U.S. Capitol, Lands At Secret ET Base Beneath White House

Wilbur "Will" Allen, a photographer who says he is a former Air Force One engineer and White House employee under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is attracting considerable attention in the online UFO community with the astounding claim that in July, 2010, he photographed an alien UFO firing an energy beam over the U.S. Capitol and coming in to land at an ET base located beneath the White House.

Allen's "forensic quality" and "precision" photos showing alien UFOs over Washington, D.C., are being circulated among members of the online UFO/ET disclosure community as evidence that the U.S. government has entered into secret alliances with alien races.

Such bizarre claims are gaining the attention of the UFO community, apparently because they reinforce beliefs that the U.S. government has secret military and space technology alliance with certain alien races.

In a recent interview with UFO/ET disclosure activist Alfred Lambremont Webre, published on the website, Allen accused President Barack Obama of lying to the public by denying the truth about the U.S. government's contact with alien races.

According to Allen, although Obama continues to deny knowledge of UFOs, he has obtained photographic evidence of a UFO base located right under the White House.

"Obama denies that Extraterrestrials exist. Yet I have precision photographs of extraterrestrial craft coming in to land at an extraterrestrial base under or around the White House underneath the Potomac River."

Allen's claim that the U.S. government has intimate links with extraterrestrial races contradicts the official statement posted to the White House website that "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

Posted in: Odd News Posted: June 17, 2015

Alien UFO Fires Energy Beam Over U.S. Capitol, Lands At Secret ET Base Beneath White House

UFO Fires Energy Beam Over U.S. Capitol

Wilbur "Will" Allen, a photographer who says he is a former Air Force One engineer and White House employee under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is attracting considerable attention in the online UFO community with the astounding claim that in July, 2010, he photographed an alien UFO firing an energy beam over the U.S. Capitol and coming in to land at an ET base located beneath the White House.

Allen's "forensic quality" and "precision" photos showing alien UFOs over Washington, D.C., are being circulated among members of the online UFO/ET disclosure community as evidence that the U.S. government has entered into secret alliances with alien races.

Such bizarre claims are gaining the attention of the UFO community, apparently because they reinforce beliefs that the U.S. government has secret military and space technology alliance with certain alien races.

In a recent interview with UFO/ET disclosure activist Alfred Lambremont Webre, published on the website, Allen accused President Barack Obama of lying to the public by denying the truth about the U.S. government's contact with alien races.

According to Allen, although Obama continues to deny knowledge of UFOs, he has obtained photographic evidence of a UFO base located right under the White House.

"Obama denies that Extraterrestrials exist. Yet I have precision photographs of extraterrestrial craft coming in to land at an extraterrestrial base under or around the White House underneath the Potomac River."

Allen's claim that the U.S. government has intimate links with extraterrestrial races contradicts the official statement posted to the White House website that "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

According to Allen "On July 20, 2010 at 3:18:07 AM in NW Washington, D.C., a relatively short distance from the White House, I imaged a slow moving UFO pulse through the sky, and then [observed the UFO] fire an energy beam which extended from it."

"I took several stationary images of the stars as I usually do. However, there is one object I thought to be a star, moving and then discharging a beam of light... There is one frame that does not make much sense? A star is either moving or shooting a beam of light that is 'bent.' The motion is not registered with any of the other 'stars' in this sampling."

Days after he captured the UFO making incursion into restricted airspace over Washington, D.C., Allen sent a video of the sighting to Webre. The video, according to Allen, included ten frames of images showing the UFO discharging an energy beam over the U.S. Capitol and the White House.


Lady - formerly SH Eastedie

Reply Edited on 06/17/2015 10:42 PM.

Deleted user

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from Freeranger on 06/18/2015 03:06 AM

No, I do not.



61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from Gregaj7 on 06/18/2015 04:26 AM




62, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 314

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from Honeyrose on 06/18/2015 09:32 AM


Laurel Hoberg


Deleted user

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from HegeMarie on 06/18/2015 03:44 PM

I am beginning to..



94, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 161

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from JohnnyRudick on 06/18/2015 08:24 PM

What better way to keep the lid on something then to circulate absurd stories about the same.



99, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 59

Re: Do you Believe in Aliens?

from Jdogg on 06/18/2015 08:59 PM

I believe they are here now, I think they have been here for a very long time.


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