Can a like button be added to people's answers for questions? AND can we have a dedicated profile tab for our asked questions/discussions?

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Deleted user

Can a like button be added to people's answers for questions? AND can we have a dedicated profile tab for our asked questions/discussions?

from Skunky on 06/09/2015 08:27 AM

seperate  from our anwsered questions/discussions?? (i don't like having them mixed with eachother)

it owuld be nice ot have a like button to give it a sodahead feel.

AND 1 THING I WOULD ALSO CHANGE. all of the questions we ask should have its own tab on our profiles instead of it being mixed with our anwsers.

both our anwsers and questions should have its own tab to keep them seperate. to make it easier to find them.

Reply Edited on 06/09/2015 08:37 AM.


44, male

  Level 16 - Diplomat

Posts: 29

Re: Can a like button be added to people's answers for questions? AND can we have a dedicated profile tab for our asked questions/discussions?

from Support on 06/09/2015 08:46 AM

Thanks for your suggestion and it will take some time for implementing.


Deleted user

Re: Can a like button be added to people's answers for questions? AND can we have a dedicated profile tab for our asked questions/discussions?

from Skunky on 06/09/2015 08:51 AM

Thanks very much. these coupld of suggestions would make this site a lot better, thanks.

Reply Edited on 06/09/2015 08:52 AM.


38, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 47

Re: Can a like button be added to people's answers for questions? AND can we have a dedicated profile tab for our asked questions/discussions?

from ajmsituation on 06/09/2015 05:26 PM

I agree, Skunky


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