Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

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44, male

  Level 16 - Diplomat

Posts: 29

Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from Support on 06/14/2015 02:32 PM

Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?



80, female

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 18

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from Seonag on 06/14/2015 02:57 PM

The Clinton Machine won't even let him win the primaries. He'll never make it to the general election.



-, female

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from Lady on 06/14/2015 04:55 PM

If you would like to keep $40 of every $100 you make. Vote Bernie. Bernie is a self-admitted socialist and has said taxes should be raised to 90% to redistribute wealth.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie


Deleted user

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from JohnT on 06/14/2015 10:55 PM

No, he really has a weak platform and it is more on bashing Clinton than new ideas. Regardless of party they are all retreads and none are that great.



56, male

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 19

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from H.D.Rider on 06/16/2015 01:35 AM

Isn't he a communist"?



-, female

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 33

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from BatmansEpicUnderstudy on 07/02/2015 08:15 AM

I think he has a chance, but it relies greatly upon the young vote.  



56, female

  Level 3 - Debater

Posts: 7

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from j.maisoui on 09/08/2015 06:41 AM

Absolutely,not ever..



99, male

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 3

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from urwutuis on 09/13/2015 06:59 AM

He'll only be president if this country walkes uip. In other words propbably not. Yhey'll vote for the same psychopaths as always and then wonder what went wrong



67, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 44

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from stanley on 09/21/2015 07:00 AM

I don't think he will for this reason.  Whereas he points out correctly that the LARGE majority of folks aren't in the 1% they have this dream they will be one day and for that reason the don't want the redistribution of wealth into something more equitable.  They enjoy being poor or just making it because the dream is bigger (even though over 99% of them will never realize it).


Therefore Sanders' well-meaning attempts to point out the enslavement of the many by the tiny few exists, Americans refuse to do anything about it.  Dreaming is powerful.  Realism is not.



31, male

  Level 1 - Innovator

Posts: 4

Re: Do you think US Senator Bernie Sanders is the next President of USA?

from phoenix2015 on 10/05/2015 08:42 AM

Simple answer: no. It also won't be the fat man that is my profile picture.


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