The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

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-, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Kat on 06/09/2015 12:42 AM

Rev. Michael Pfleger: NRA 'Will Pay for the Murder' of Chicago Children


Monday, June 8, 2015

On June 6, Reverend Michael Pfleger listed recent shootings in heavily gun-controlled Chicago then said the NRA "will pay pay for the murder of our children."

He was joined by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross.

Pleger, Jackson, and Gross rallied outside of Chuck's Gun Shop, where Jackson recently rallied for the ban of guns already banned in Chicago.

Pleger began his speech at the rally by pointing out that ten persons were shot and three were killed on the night of June 5 alone. He then said, "I'm not a gun grabber, I'm a life lover," after which he pointed to Chuck's Gun Shop and said, "And I love life more than the death that they are perpetrating."

He continued:

I'm just tired, tired of the NRA. Tired of them prostituting themselves and buying politicians in this country. I'm tired of gun manufacturers and John Riggio from Chuck's making money off the blood running down our streets, and our children laying in cemeteries. While they live in gated communities where there are no gun shops like Chuck's.

I'm tired of funerals of babies, while [the] NRA, manufacturers, and Chuck's, run to the bank making profits from death.



61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

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Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Gregaj7 on 06/09/2015 03:02 AM

Anyone that has Jesse Jackson standing with them is automatically discredited.



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  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 178

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Kat on 06/09/2015 05:07 AM

I agree Jackson or Sharpton with them, automatic discredit.



94, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

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Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from JohnnyRudick on 06/09/2015 06:18 AM

It is an old worn-out tactic but seems to always work.



24, female

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Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Caitlyn on 06/09/2015 09:01 AM

Around here everyone has guns and i don't think we've ever had a murder.



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  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Lady on 06/11/2015 08:39 PM

Folks around here also have guns (permitted) and no crime except an occasional mailbox gets knocked over.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



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Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Cezar on 06/12/2015 07:54 PM

I thought it was out-of-control civil servants that murdered people?





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  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 97

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from Lady on 06/14/2015 12:27 PM

Not a member of NRA, but definitely prepared for what may come.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



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  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from corey on 06/15/2015 05:23 PM

@Kat I agree with you in regards to NRA. BUT, I take serious offense to the "Crazy people do" alternative.

because the "crazy people do" is just as "misleading" as "accusing the NRA" as being responsible.

I am going to use the "going postal" as an example because that one is old enough to not get people "too emotional",  unlike say the indian reservation mass shooting that happened not long ago.

Why did the postal service emplyee go on a shooting rampage?    What caused the person to snap?  I still don't think the guy "went postal" due to being dearanged, or crazy..  I think it was pressure due to calousness by "society" and "employer/coworkers/customers" That the guy felt he had to take such drastic action to get out of a bad situation.

I think the reason "crazy", "mental illness", "going postal"is used , is mearly the tools used to "shift blame" away from the "root cause" that caused these people to snap and do something they otherwise would not have done.

These people were backed into a corner, they viewed no way out, due to society calousness towards people in distress, or people who are asking for help to get out of an abusive situation.  Because of (our) calousness towards other people, disrespectful, not standing up for, not stopping abusive bosses, denying help when its requested, lack of "empathy" towards their struggles, etc etc etc.  These people "fight" in "fight and flight"  was triggerd to "exztreme action" that lead to themselves and/or other people being killed or seriously harmed.

I been backed into "many corners" where there was no precieved out.   The thoughts are there, when you feel your life is at risk or in danger.  You either want to "run" or "lash out", this is "survival instinct". A "normal response" to danger. The greater the percieved danger the greater the response. 

If you don't give a person a place to "run  to", to get into a better situation, what is left?  "Fight"    To do nothing is to be harmed or die.  Which is a super strong motivator, to act.   That does NOT make a person crazy., or mentally ill, or dearanged.  We just label them that, so we can justify going on as business as usual on how we treat other people.   We don't want to admit it is more our faults that they snapped.  

I am not condoning the actions of the shooters,  I am simply saying there is FAR MORE to why the shootings/bombing occure, that has Nothing to do with the firearms themselves, and less to do with the person who did the act of desperation. And far more to do with how we interact with one another leading up to the act of desperation.   Firearms are simply tools, They are NOT the cause.  You can take all the guns away, but the underlying problem remains.  Without firearms, when people do go "postal" it will be much harder to stop them, because we will have lost the tool that will end it quickly  "firearms"

One of the Only reason I have not joined the NRA is because of its ties to ALEC.

I am for the "stand your ground" except for the components pushed for by ALEC itself.  "Stand your ground" with NRA, and  law inforcement input would been ok.  NRA is about our rights and being able to protect ourselves. They NEVER condone abuse of firearms.  ALEC is to blame in that, not NRA.

Those that work for the "Brady Campaign" Have constantly misdirected and outright lied about NRA intent and actions.    NRA is actually for "gun regulation" but only "gun regulations that actually work".  NRA does not want a repeat of bad regulations that have demonstrated to fail miserably in curbing violence.  for example "registration of firearms"  has NOT stopped a single badguy from ever harming another person.  here is an example of this in action

Those so called sensible gun regulation mentioned by "brady campaign" would not stop gun violence at all.   registration, smaller clip size (bring more clips), retriction of assesories that do not make a firearm more leathal, but only succeeds in making them look less scary.(guns are still just as leathal after said accesories been removed), Biometric lock,(fails if battery goes dead, cut on finger, doesn't recognize the authorized user, authorized user is unable to stop the badguy due to failure of biometric reader.)  etc.

What NRA wants is increasing the punishment for those who actually commit the crime with the firearms.  Give prosecuters stronger tools to go after people who commit crimes with firearms. to Establish "free training" for those who want to get firearms. To allow guards who been psychologicly been cleared on school property with firearms with "secret service" level training in their use. or to have said firearms secured in a, bank like gun-vault, at the school in case of its need.

Most, if not all mass shootings have occured in "No - gun zones"   NRA realizes this and was trying to make it so that only the RIGHT people had access to firearms in order to stop such shootings. Posting of no-firearms did not work, turning it into a prison does not work.(treating every day people like criminals creates more violence not less.)   Or offering other suggestions that would actually work.  NRA understands that.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



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  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

from corey on 06/15/2015 06:31 PM

I do not know how relyable    is I have seen other issues there that conflicted with official statisitcs before.

181 School Shootings Since Columbine?

Rep. Donna Edwards on ABC's "This Week" said "since Columbine, there have been 181 of these school shootings." That's an exaggeration.

Her office said the Democratic congresswoman got her information from the Brady Campaign — which has a fact sheet on its website that lists 201 "major school shootings" since 1997 at colleges, universities, high schools and elementary schools. But that list is padded with incidents that could hardly be called "major school shootings" — including a dozen that didn't happen on school grounds and 16 that weren't shootings at all but either alleged plots to kill others or cases where a gun was brought to school but not fired.

By our count, there were 62 school shootings since the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999, that resulted in more than one student, teacher or school employee being killed or injured — a description that could fit "major school shooting." There were another 68 where one student, teacher or school employee was killed (not counting suicides) or injured.

That's 130 school shootings since Columbine — a shocking high number, but about a quarter fewer than Edwards claimed.

" end quote

Point of this quote is if your not carefull spreading "fud" can have undesirable consequences.  especially when it comes to labeling people or misrepresenting the real cause and effect etc.

That "guns don't kill people, crazy people do"   is total "FUD"  and is mostlikely derived from organization like "brady campaign"

"guns don't kill people, people kill people". <<--- that is NOT fud.

the fud version is like "perverted justice" redirection of the publics attention away from the real danger (known aquantance) when it comes to protecting children from predators

This is the kind of crap that needs to be stopped. Garbage put out by people like "Ann Coulter"  "Ann Coulter: Crazies need to be committed, not given civil-rights protection"

first off Someone with anxiety or PTSD that affects 1 major life activitiy is protected under the ADA of 1990.  IT is NOT a crime to be disabled or a person with a disability.   It is NOT a crime to have a mental illness.   What Ann Coultier is advocating is criminalizing average people, just because they are different from her.      

I bet if they were to break down the actual numbers of total deaths by firearms the number of killings done by the socalled mental cases is far less than the ones done by people with no mental issues.   Or atleast the mentally ill is no more likely than any other to do it.

People get miss labeled "mentally ill" all the time.  I am labeled "mentally ill" even though It is a "psychological injury" occuring over decades. my reasoning and moral compass is completely intact.

Ann has gone off her rockers in regards to the "commited, and not given civil rights protections".   You do not have to strip civil rights in order to committ a person.   an example is put them in a mental institution instead of death row.  your still committing the person without removing their rights under constitutional/ civil rights law.

Ann had indirectly accused me of being a criminal, When I have NEVER done anything wrong in my life that warrants the "criminal" label. all because I have the "mentally ill" label attached to me. Even though I am not.

Why am I doing this All?   I really hate "witch hunts"   that targets innocent people due to poorly "placed labels".   Like mental illness.   which, by the way has no clear definition.

Here is really good read IMHO

here another good one and a must read ---VVV

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.

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