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from Freeranger on 06/08/2015 09:53 PM

Montana addresses what any lucid individual already knew.  No one is a little bit pregnant.....

deflate gate
Joe Montana: Deflate-gate 'no big deal,' his 49ers used illegal silicone

By Frank Schwab
Shutdown Corner

I'm still not sure how the New England Patriots' misdemeanor in deflate-gate became a felony, but it happened.

Neither does Joe Montana.

The former San Francisco 49ers great seemed to laugh and shrug at the whole controversy involving the Patriots and quarterback Tom Brady in an interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's Mark Kaboly (h/t to Larry Brown Sports). Because his 49ers had their own methods of skirting the rules. Like most other teams.

"Everybody is trying to do something different," Montana said. "Our offensive linemen used to spray silicone on their shirts until they got caught. Once you get caught, you get caught. Period. It doesn't take anything away from Tom's game. But how long has he been doing it? I don't know."

Well between the silicone admission and Jerry Rice's admission he used stickum, those championships need an asterisk, right? Rice and Montana and all the great 49ers need their legacies downgraded, correct? No, of course not. Nobody would or should think that. And it's just as mindless to say that as it is to say the Patriots and Brady should have championships vacated and their accomplishments are tainted.

Even if Brady had some role in deflate-gate (and even though Ted Wells was paid millions of dollars and took more than three months to investigate, he never found what that role might be), it's still not what amounts to an NFL felony. Yes, I know folks like being outraged in this era. And people like to hate the Patriots. But let's let Montana be the voice of reason here.

"It is one of those things that is a rule, right?" Montana said. "It might be a dumb rule, but it doesn't matter. He didn't deflate them himself, but you can pick up the ball and can tell if it is underinflated, overinflated or what you like. Everybody is afraid to say it, but if the guy did it, so what. Just pay up and move on. It's no big deal."

The problem with paying up and moving on is that commissioner Roger Goodell decided to pander to the public with the excessive punishments, including a four-game suspension for Brady, rather than take an honest look at the evidence and the crime. So Brady is fighting it. And he's unlikely to get a fair shake because Goodell refused to let an independent arbitrator oversee the appeal. Goodell and the NFL can't afford an embarrassing loss in that appeal, and it's very likely an impartial set of eyes would see all the holes in the very thin amount of evidence Wells collected. So Goodell decided to make sure he can't lose.

But whatever ultimately comes out of this, most rational people understand this is the NFL's equivalent of turning right on red when you're not supposed to. No big deal, as Joe Montana said.



71, male

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 15

Re: Deflategate

from Roadie on 06/11/2015 09:17 PM

I agree.


Deleted user

Re: Deflategate

from Freeranger on 06/11/2015 09:38 PM

Since the stupidity began.....Mr. Perfect, Jerry Rice has come out and admitted (after going off on the Patriots) that he put "stick-um" on his socks to help with a better grip.  And in the game of basketball Shack said he used to deflate balls to help him with a better grip.
It continues.......
They've now created a monster......because of this, they will now need "ball cops" and specialists who keep the balls in an undisclosed location before and during half-time.  THIS is only the tip of the iceberg regarding the larger implications.
Utterly stoopid.


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