Yahoo is having problems again, this time with hackers. If you have a Yahoo account, watch out!

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37, Weiblich

  Level 1 - Innovator

Beiträge: 155

Yahoo is having problems again, this time with hackers. If you have a Yahoo account, watch out!

von EternalSailorSol am 28.09.2015 01:25


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Yahoo is having problems again, this time with hackers. If you have a Yahoo account, watch out!

von Jules am 30.09.2015 05:44

What?  I hadn't heard about this in the news.        Oh gosh.      Do these hackers get in by way of easy to figure passwords of members?     

I hope mine is secure.     These ppl are total "Busybodies!"
  Thanks for the head's up here!! 


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