What technical inventions would you like to have invented?

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29, Weiblich

  Level 17 - Ambassador

Beiträge: 259

What technical inventions would you like to have invented?

von amberleechoo am 30.06.2015 08:04



66, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 44

Re: What technical inventions would you like to have invented?

von stanley am 01.07.2015 11:50

I'd like to see a darned good toaster.  Seems such a paltry thing, but in my experience there is no such thing as a good toaster.

It's time Mr. Dyson tackled this topic.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: What technical inventions would you like to have invented?

von Freeranger am 02.07.2015 04:19

At first I thought perhaps the GPS.....but then, I thought someone else should perhaps create and use that invention.  Then, I thought perhaps the automobile, which would dovetail nicely with someone holding the GPS.....but......nah.  Then.....it all crystallized for me.  The printing press! Think of all the things you can do with it---everything from printing Far Side cartoons to Mad Magazine!




45, Männlich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 36

Re: What technical inventions would you like to have invented?

von mrhungry1455 am 18.10.2015 10:41

I would invent just mass amounts of cell phones all invented in a year but release them every six months and hope you forget the real technology is only for military and rich guys with nice wigs



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