What's Up With Obama Not Having A Strategy To Deal With ISIS?

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74, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 8

What's Up With Obama Not Having A Strategy To Deal With ISIS?

von Budwick am 09.06.2015 08:50

The president addressed the ISIS fight during a press conference on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Germany.  (The G7 developed a strategy to fleece world citizens, I mean save the planet from global warming.) 

Obama told the world (including the enemy, which is ISIS in case Obama is reading this and needs a clue) that we have no startegy as yet.  He blamed the Pentagon.  'A military official took issue with Obama's claim that he was waiting for options from the Pentagon. "What the f--- was that? We have given him lots of options, he just hasn't acted on them".

Is he just inept?  Or, do you think there is something more sinister afoot?



-, Weiblich

  Level 11 - Analyst

Beiträge: 178

Re: What's Up With Obama Not Having A Strategy To Deal With ISIS?

von Kat am 09.06.2015 08:52

He spouts what his NWO masters tell him to. That's why he needs the teleprompter. No thought required on his part it's all a show. I don't know why they think they will be able to control ISIS but apparently they are being played pretty good by them.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: What's Up With Obama Not Having A Strategy To Deal With ISIS?

von betz am 11.06.2015 12:13


All I can say is that it frightens me to death. 



Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: What's Up With Obama Not Having A Strategy To Deal With ISIS?

von Freeranger am 13.06.2015 07:59

While I'm no fan of Obama......I have to ask, "what's up with THE FRIKKIN' WORLD NOT HAVING A STRATEGY TO DEAL WITH ISIS??"  Know what I mean?

I'm tired of America being tasked with all the heavy lifting.  It is here where Obama, the community organizer, has epically failed.  This "junior varsity" squad has become quite the little problem.
IF.......he wants to solve this, bring in former Marine Corps General James Mattis.  He is shit hot when it comes to this bullshit and he would build a coalition and have a plan in months.


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