The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

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58, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 22

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

von MrsJJS am 17.06.2015 07:18

Extremely well put.  If I could rave you I would!



66, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 44

Re: The NRA has never shot anybody, why do they get the blame for crazy non-NRA members killing people? Guns don't kill people crazy people do.

von stanley am 02.07.2015 12:28

One question needs to be asked: does the NRA get any kickbacks from gun manufacturers?

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