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Die Suche lieferte 7 Ergebnisse:


80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

von cattastrophy am 09.07.2015 04:15

Here are the documented reasons on why the previous great empires fell.....they all had these in common:

Breakdown of family ..... Disintegration of the family structure ..... Loose morals ..... Rampantly engaged in homosexuality and adultery ..... Economy ..... Corruption of the central government ..... Social welfare programs ..... Ever increasing taxation ..... Personal debt as well as national debt ..... Failing to prepare their defense against others

Do you see the United States of America in any of those?

Cities Like Detroit all under the control of the Liberal Socialists are starting to falter and fall. If the United States of America is to continue to want to live then we as its keepers, its citizens, its taxpayers NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BEFORE WE HAVE ANOTHER FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, OTTOMAN EMPIRE.



80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

I think the link should be seen.

von cattastrophy am 01.07.2015 12:17


It is obvious that OBAMA has all the suckers he needs to become what he wants. And that is A SON OF A BITCH, he has acted like a child that didn't get his own way and doest it in the name of "JUSTICE" and EQUALITY and FAIRNESS.

Fairness to who? Equality to who? Justice for WHO?

He has given the homos their way A MINORITY GROUP because HE feels it is the "right thing to do" He has removed our choices because HE feel it is the "RIGHT THING TO DO" With the ACA it was the MINORITY that won not the MAJORITY.

He feels that common core education is the "RIGHT THING TO DO". THE SON OF A BITCH HAS TURNED THIS COUNTRY BACK 239 YEARS AND EDUCATION BACK TO THE DAYS OF THE STONE AGE. He has taken our religious freedoms from us and now there is a bill being authored in Congress to rememove even more of our 2nd amendment rights.


Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 01.07.2015 12:20 .


80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: What is your favorite religion?

von cattastrophy am 26.06.2015 05:00

Well, seeing I am a Catholic, and yes I know it is a bad religion, so I guess you could call me a Christian.



80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: Did You Ever Own A BB Gun?

von cattastrophy am 26.06.2015 04:58

Yes, I had a bb gun, pellet gun, pellet rifle



80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Why is bias?

von cattastrophy am 26.06.2015 04:50

United States Online Presidential Election

Vice President Joe Biden (Delaware) Former Governor Lincoln Chafee (Rhode Island) Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (New York) Former Governor Martin O'Malley (Maryland) US Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont) Former US Senator Jim Webb (Virginia)


That is the poll that xsodahead has put up for us to vote on.

Every single of the names mentioned are of the DIMOCRATIC/SOCIALIST PARTY. WHY?

When I signed up for this group I was under the impression that everyone was allowed regardless of their political preference. But I can see now that this site is no different then the original soda head.

Maybe I will be deactivated for this post mayby they will just ignore me like sodahead did in the end either way this site has to learn that there are other political parties out other other than DEMOCRATS.




80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: What decade would you rather travel back to?

von cattastrophy am 19.06.2015 03:43

Yes Lady, those WERE the good years.

cattastrophy - former SHer



80, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: What decade would you rather travel back to?

von cattastrophy am 19.06.2015 03:39

The mid 40's to mid 50's they were simpler times and everyone worked hard for the things they had.

Nothing was just "given", you wanted assistance you worked for it. Back then the highways needed cleaning and prisoners and people on assistance WORKED to receive the assistance they got.

Today, you just sit back, prop your feet up and wait for that money to roll in. Then you cry the blues and get more assistance from churches because people on assistance today feel that working for something is CUREL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT FOR BEING POOR


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