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73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Do you support Florida’s big decision about the American flag?

von betz am 17.06.2015 04:56

Good for the fine Governor.  IMO a flag made in China is NOT an American's a Chinese flag with stripes and stars on it.  China crap makes me sick.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: What was your worst subject in school?

von betz am 17.06.2015 04:36

I'm not a number person.  Give me grammar, Literature or creative writing and I'm happy.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: What color do you like the most on a car?

von betz am 14.06.2015 09:36

Black. IMO it makes any car look sleek.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Should each state do what this state has? Maine Just Put Welfare Leeches in Their Place, Every American Needs To See What Happened Next

von betz am 14.06.2015 09:31

WOW!!!  I don't know the age of this man but I am certainly going to be doing some research on him.  What a level headed and at  same time compassionate person.  You go Governor. 

This man should definitely consider a run for the office of the presidency. 



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Just wanted to say HELLO!

von betz am 14.06.2015 09:25

HI is nice to "see" so many of you.  Not sure if I like this site though...time will tell.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: What is your favorite crime show?

von betz am 14.06.2015 07:37

I'm not much into crime shows although I do watch Stalker.  My ears are plugged and my hands are over my eyes during most of it. 



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: What kind of toppings do you enjoy on your pizza?

von betz am 13.06.2015 12:41

Black olives and extra cheese.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Is Serena Williams America's Sports Sweetheart?

von betz am 13.06.2015 12:36

She seems to be pretty good but I think she looks more like a man than a woman.  America's sweetheart????  No way.



73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Baseball or Football - Which you like the most?

von betz am 13.06.2015 12:33

That's a tough one.  Neither of my teams are very good but I still love them both.  I'll go with football.




73, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Re: Who are you rooting for to win the Stanley cup ? Chicago Blackhawks or Tampa Bay Lighting ?

von betz am 13.06.2015 12:31

I know nothing about hockey and don't watch but a former SH friend is for the Blackhawks so I'll go along with him. 

This one is for you Poppy!!!!

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