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75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Is the liberal left destroying our nation?

von Cat am 11.06.2015 02:10

If they were really "liberal" they wouldn't be so insistant.
I still consider myself a "liberal".
It is the Progressive anti-American and anti-God globalist socialist left that is destroying America. 



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

What is "Online Time" all about?

von Cat am 11.06.2015 02:03

In the Statistics box of my profile page it says 

" Online time (30 days): 355 minute(s)
Online time (total): 510 minute(s)
Percent: (bar graph is here) 8%"

Does this mean  am limited to 355 minutes a month and to a total of 510 minutes before my membership expires? 



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:34

As strange as it sounds, he will be able to hang his hat on Obamacare.
Even though it was a terrible plan and designed to gradually force us into a single-payer plan, and even though it's innitial introduction was a digital nightmare (aka "train wreck") the cat is now out of the bag. No longer will a major portion of Americans go uninsured.  
I don't believe that future congresses will allow us to fall into a rationed single payer system with quotas and death panels. Neither will they repeal the entire AHC act without first having a replacement for it So their only options will be to improve on the (Obamacare) system we now have or replace it entirely with a better plan. Either way, Obama will be remembered as the president who made it happen. 



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Cities without borders

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:24

So true, and also so sad.
This regime cannot leave fast enough to suit me!   



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Americans who share “technical data” about a firearm without first obtaining permission would face time in jail.

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:20

I'm a gun owner and used to be a competitive shooter, but left the NRA years ago because I got tired of being lied to almost daily.
Do you have a link to a site that proves that Saul isn't telling the truth? 



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Do you like the SuperHero movies that came out the last couple years?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:15

not really



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Who Are the Three Most Important People in Your Life?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:14

1. God The Father 
2. God The Son 
3. God The Holy Spirit 



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: How long were you a member on Sodahead?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:13

almost 4 years



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Another Cluster of Refugees discovered.

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:12

They'll soon be here!  



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: What's the point of giving points away?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:09

Just to spur people to generate silly polls one ritht after another, for no other reason than to amass points.  

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