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-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Do you accept Jason Feffer's reason for disabling the user login on SH?

von corey am 13.08.2015 05:08

I do not accept what he did.  Yes it was for fast money.  But it is how he got said fast money that bothers me.  By changing the "business model" the way he did, he was able to at least throw into doubt , the legality of the use of our user data and sell it to a third party by having said third party buy the company out right , then locking us out to prevent us from deleting our own info.   

Soda head is NOT worth 65 million.  It was our user imput that was worth 65 million to build and fill out profiles about us that can't be aquired by collecting data on signup sheets. 

Our political views, intrests, habits., patterns, etc.  That is worth a shit load of cash.  But with the contract "terms of use, privacy rights" that we agfreed to forbid selling our data to said third party.

so they found away around it, out right buy out.

Ask yourself would you have shared as much input at soda head if they said they would sell your info to third party that does not have your intrest at heart?

I sure as hell would stay as far away from such companies as I could get.

If I had known about who had bought sodahead sooner. I would have gone on a "deleting mission", to delete by editing all post and blanking said post.

They knew that and some problably did, thus locked us out before the data, that was bought for 65 million, was deleted by the users who do NOT want our data used in a fasion without our direct consent.

personally I still think he violated some major contract law or other by selling out to a third party, and if not the law out right then the spirit of the law of trust and ethics.   He definatly found the biggest loophole of them all when it comes to selling to third party,  an out right buyout.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: How much is your bond with your Dog? Try this test!

von corey am 29.06.2015 12:55

LMAO     OK I think this is more accuratly How much do you trust your dog, not to bite your face off when chalenging your dog for food.

If that is a cockerspanial over 2 years old, your crazy.
 they have a reputation of spontaniously turning on their masters in this area.

I been bitten on my face by our 3 year old cockerspanial for simply puting my face against his ears in the winter. Few months after that he lunged at the back of a 3 year old girl, who was walking away from him. Thank got he hit end of hish leash.   We had to put him down, because of both incidents.    both completely unprovoked.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Is there a way to delete posts on this site?

von corey am 29.06.2015 12:44

untill and if they add an edit ability. I do not think you can.   so reread your post several times to besure you actually want to say it.

EDIT added following:

ok, see they just added edit post, its the green pencil top right of your posts.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 29.06.2015 12:46 .


-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von corey am 20.06.2015 02:01

@H.D.Rider No  SH was changed due to swagbuck business model of "selling user habits and data"  Nothing to do with the government itself.  This was a "deliberate (possibly a malicious) corporate action"   current "sh user agreement" did not allow "selling of user data" to third parties outside of SH circle.

To get around that, they had to change the nature of SH as a means to bypass "user agreement contract law"

And polling for fox and CNN and such gave "plasable reason to change" so they can sell our data by "voiding old user agreement contract".

When they changed the nature of the business they had a clear justification of writing a "NEW user agreement contract" which strips out the old privacy rights we agreed too..

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von corey am 20.06.2015 01:49

@H.D.Rider  even if it is BS that you posted, that data can be use to build a personality profile that can be used in a manor that could actually harm you in the real world.   Or if you posted enough info they can make a fake personality profile for the purpose of defamation in the real world.

Insurance companies could use that info against you as well, based on what you said whether what you said was truthful or not. like maybe you posted a picture in your profile that shows you holding a lit cigerete.  Lets say you seeking lung cancer treatment.  They can use that photo as a means to cut you off from payments by the insurance company.  Then your screwed because you were profiled as "engaging in risky behavior", which voids your insurance claim.. (which is NOT the same as pre- exsisting condition)

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

von corey am 20.06.2015 01:28

the real story is what does swagbucks do.  

Swagbucks is a user habit data mining service.
They sell user data, that is their business model. the polling ability is NOT worth 61 million dollars.   But user data is worth MORE than 61 million.  The polling ability was simply a bonus.

corporations and organizations pay top dollar for "people profiles" especially if they can be identified and linked to demographic data.  This kind of data, that if the government collected such data, would be in major violation of the constitution of the USA.

The proof that I am right is in how much swagbucks paid out in rewards.   They are making FAR MORE than what is paid out. Or swagbucks would of gone under a long time ago.

One of the reasons that I can see why swagbucks would do such a move is that we have addons like adblockerplus that may be cutting into their revenue. So they were looking for another means to compinsate for the profit loss.

From a corporate stand point its an ingenious move. Because here you have a user database of people who most likely were avoiding swagbucks and their ilk.  They want our data so they buyout a high profile site like sodahead as a means to legally get it, when we do not vollenteer that data willingly.

In a way the data of users who have been avoiding them like the plague in many ways, may be worth more than those that willingly give it.  Especially if there is a lot of it. like archives of data.    they get all this data at once and which means instant LARGE profit, because its all at once and not spread out over time, like the traditional swagbucks meathod..

From a consumer standpoint this is our worst nightmare comming to reality, because they now have data that we would not want some random organization or corporation to have.  The kind of data we activily avoid givng to such Amoral profiteering groups. And what is worse is that it maybe completely legal due to the fact they bought them out and with the way current contract law is written in where the user agreement can be changed and is binding without the user consent or foreknowledge.

In otherwords we were literally and figuretily, virtually raped and mugged and tortured for our personal info and secrets. And we are expected to say "thank you so much for abusing us in this manor and please do it more".

enough is enough.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: What color do you like the most on a car?

von corey am 20.06.2015 01:03

you need to see the video of my fave car paint color

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Cellphones .....

von corey am 15.06.2015 06:55

slave to your phones, you lot. lol

I do NOT own a cell, never have. There is a reason they invented answering machines.

besides cell phones are too bloody intrusive and fragile at the same time.  Not to mention giving you a dose of radiation that causes cancer if used too frequently to close to your body.

ever wonder why the "phone case carriers" hold the phone 3 inches away from your body??   the industry knows they are dangerous, right next to your body.  read the warning sections in your manuals if you do not believe me.  you have it pressed right against your ear when you talk on it.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Do you like your middle name?

von corey am 15.06.2015 06:41

I don't, its my "Father's" name. I have Never done anything to warant the shunning he has done on me.  I am dead to him. And Mom is long gone.   So I have no real family to speak of.    In my case "family ties is as thick as blood" doesn't hold true.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Do you think you should be able to fly the American flag on your porch?

von corey am 15.06.2015 06:36

this is about conformity and drone mentality of everybody being the same.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.

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