Suche nach Beiträgen von kitty

Die Suche lieferte 6 Ergebnisse:


74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Re: Has home made mosquito trap worked for you?

von kitty am 17.06.2015 07:22

Thanks for your reply Lady.  I made one up and put it out late last night but the air had cooled down to 9°C with a breeze so that's not really ideal mosquito conditions - they'd likely all gone to bed. :)  I'll keep monitoring the trap and keep this thread updated.  I've heard many different reviews on this trap.  Many said it works like a charm, others said it didn't.  People said it would work if follow directions properly so I'll see.  The only thing I might not have done properly is maybe put too much yeast in - I dumped the whole packet on top of the syrup and the pkg says there are 8g in it.  I have no idea how many grams one tblsp is.



74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Has home made mosquito trap worked for you?

von kitty am 17.06.2015 02:12

Every year there's a widely circulated recipe to make a home made mosquito trap that instructs you to cut a 2L plastic pop bottle down about a third of the way from the top; make a syrup of 1 C. of boiling water; 1/4 C. of brown sugar; wait until the dissolved sugar syrup mixture cools completely before adding 1 tsp of active dry yeast on top of the syrup after it's been poured into the bottom half of the bottle. You do NOT stir the yeast in, but leave it to float on top. You turn the top cut off part of the bottle upside down and place it outside somewhere out of the sun.  This is supposed to collect hundreds of mosquitos according to the picture in the blog.  Has anybody tried this yet, and if so, does it work????



74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Re: Who Keeps Removing the Posts? And why? Smoking ban indoors removed.....

von kitty am 12.06.2015 01:07

Sorry folks - I posted in the wrong group.  Geez all this is so confusing with so many groups.  I meant to post in Sodahead United.  I just now did - but how do I delete a post from this one?



74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Who Keeps Removing the Posts? And why? Smoking ban indoors removed.....

von kitty am 12.06.2015 12:44

I didn't notice anything rude or against rules in the thread about  smoking and e-cigs being banned.  Yet this post has also been deleted.  Why?



74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Re: Was SodaHead forced to keep us out?

von kitty am 08.06.2015 11:51

This is a great load of information Marianne - thanks for posting them :)



74, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 6

Re: What color do you like the least?

von kitty am 08.06.2015 11:41

I don't know what it's called but it's that kinda green that looks so much like baby ka ka.


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