Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

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44, Männlich

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Beiträge: 13

Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von ConcernedAmerican2015 am 09.06.2015 01:13

It is my opinion,(only conjecture) that Obama will be most remembered for his affordable care act; and not in a good way. His legacy is kaput.
Although he has had many, many failures as President, I think Obamacare will go down as one of the worst failures of any Presidency. As for a legacy, he has nothing to tout. His withdrawl of troops from Iraq; fail. His failure to provide security to ambassadors in conflict nations; fail. Don't even get me started again on Obamacare; utter fail.

It would appear to me that his entire Presidency has been a series of incompetent failures, and he will be remembered as the worst President this nation has ever elected.



24, Weiblich

  Level 8 - Advocate

Beiträge: 70

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von Caitlyn am 09.06.2015 01:23

Obamacare. And it's not a good legacy.



80, Weiblich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 8

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von retiredingeorgia am 10.06.2015 06:20

All the above...



-, Weiblich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 14

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von Kara am 10.06.2015 06:28

they are all pretty bad.  It is a toss up between Obamacare and the secret failed bargain with Iran.



66, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 23

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von ProudSaul am 10.06.2015 05:41

The President has not had any policy failures.  His biggest mistake was his early decision not to prosecute George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz for their war crimes and complete disregard for the United States Constitution.  However, I'm not sure that counts as a "policy" failure so much as a naive decision based on the false assumption that the Republicans would work with him to improve our nation.



44, Männlich

  Level 10 - Negotiator

Beiträge: 13

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von ConcernedAmerican2015 am 10.06.2015 06:08

@- ProudSaul, That is hysterical, Obama has no policy failures, I have heard it all now.



66, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 23

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von ProudSaul am 10.06.2015 06:40

@ Concerned - Everything the President has tried to do has either succeeded or been obstructed by Republicans.  The facts speak for themselves.  Our economy is on the rise, millions more Americans have affordable health care, the respect for this nation in the eyes of the world has been restored after eight years of "freedom fries", two wars are over, we haven't started any new ones, the rights of Americans are better protected than ever, we've moved past the "illegal aliens are evil terrorists who must be wiped out" nonsense, and we've even take a couple of tiny steps closer to sane gun regulations.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von Tiffanee am 10.06.2015 07:28

Obama has achieved many things you won't hear a republican say. We have had 42 straight months of private sector job growth. He is providing health care to 30 million Americans through the Affordable Care Act. Finally, the stimulus got our economy back on its feet.

I never voted for him but he is not as bad as some people make him out to be. Some people just to whine.



75, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 21

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von Cat am 10.06.2015 10:34

As strange as it sounds, he will be able to hang his hat on Obamacare.
Even though it was a terrible plan and designed to gradually force us into a single-payer plan, and even though it's innitial introduction was a digital nightmare (aka "train wreck") the cat is now out of the bag. No longer will a major portion of Americans go uninsured.  
I don't believe that future congresses will allow us to fall into a rationed single payer system with quotas and death panels. Neither will they repeal the entire AHC act without first having a replacement for it So their only options will be to improve on the (Obamacare) system we now have or replace it entirely with a better plan. Either way, Obama will be remembered as the president who made it happen. 



69, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 4

Re: Which policy failure will Barrack Obama be most remembered for(please be specific), and is there any fixing his legacy this late in the game?

von DutchHeretic am 10.06.2015 11:28

@ caitlin Why are you against health-care for people with low incomes ??

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10.06.2015 11:29 .
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