How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

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55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 01.07.2015 07:23




55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 01.07.2015 07:54

My parents have had the same number for 40 years, since they moved in. I know my daughter's number. Everybody else's numbers changes all the time. I use to know my sister's before she moved too but it's so easy now not to memorize phone numbers cause we just hit the person's name so you are not dialing it over & over like in the old days.



62, Weiblich

  Level 11 - Analyst

Beiträge: 314

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Honeyrose am 01.07.2015 12:02

The one I had growing up and the one I have now.

Laurel Hoberg



55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 01.07.2015 11:30

It's hard not remembering a phone number you had all of your life. I know mine is embedded in my brain, LOL! It's hard to believe they lived there for 40 years & have also had the same number too. Thanks for replying Honeyrose!


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Freeranger am 02.07.2015 04:40

Hmmm.....I just barely find my way home after work.  I'll leave it there....



29, Weiblich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 11

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von mousegirl am 02.07.2015 07:09

Neve counted but maybe about 15 or 20.



55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 03.07.2015 10:48

LOL Freeranger, you poor dear, then you need a GPS for Christmas!! Thanks for replying & for the laugh!



55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 03.07.2015 10:50

@mousegirl, that's a good amount, good for you, it seems to not be a thing people do nowadays! Thanks for replying!



99, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 52

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von GreatLakes am 03.07.2015 05:43

5 or 6 tops!



55, Weiblich

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Beiträge: 1755

Re: How many phone numbers do you know by heart?

von Ang am 04.07.2015 04:33

I use to know alot like a dozen or more but now we don't dial anything & I've had a car accident & that doesn't help either. Thanks for replying again, GreatLakes!


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