Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

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-, Weiblich

  Level 7 - Critic

Beiträge: 97

Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von Lady am 09.06.2015 03:31

"... A Nationalized Communications Industry, In Which The Government Builds, Owns, And Operates Not Only The Internet But Newspapers And Television As Well."
–Larry Downes, Forbes

Due to Net Neutrality passing, Barack Obama's Internet Takeover goes into effect on June 12... just days from now... and time is running short to stop it.

Even the media establishment is starting to realize what you have known for far too long. So-called Net Neutrality was NEVER solely about the allocation of bandwidth "fairly" across the Internet and it goes far beyond simply giving the Obama Regime the power to pick winners and losers on the information superhighway.

The name of the game was always to control the Internet and ultimately the content that you will be allowed to see and post on the Internet.

And in a matter of a few days from now, we could be headed down that dangerous path unless the Republican-controlled Congress brings Representative Marsha Blackburn's Internet Freedom Act, H.R. 1212, to the floor of the House and Senate and passes it BEFORE THE OBAMA-FCC ORDER GOES INTO EFFECT ON JUNE 12.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 09.06.2015 03:31 .


53, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von Roy am 09.06.2015 04:13

oh, I hope not!



74, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 8

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von Budwick am 09.06.2015 07:17

I don't think even Obama has the gnads to do that.  The POWER to do so might be within the Net Neutral Law, but as we all know, the Emperor gets to pick and chose what to enforce, when and where, and how.  So - maybe he'll just save it for later.



77, Weiblich

  Level 2 - Loudmouth

Beiträge: 3

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von Imagypsy am 13.06.2015 05:55

Gee whiz! It's the 13th of June, 2015, and I see no signs of any censeorship or even an attempt at it, except by Soda Head.
Right wing, anti-Obama paranoia reigns !
I am still free to say I dislike Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, and even that I do not agree with everything President Obama does or proposes.
It is hardly a matter of someone's "gonads". It is a matter of law. The law to censor the internet does not exist.



-, Weiblich

  Level 7 - Critic

Beiträge: 97

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von Lady am 13.06.2015 05:59

Net Neutrality did just that.  It will happen slowly but it will happen.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie



56, Männlich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 19

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von H.D.Rider am 16.06.2015 01:38

Could this be one reason that SH has changed?



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Do you think the Internet will be Censored this Friday, June 12th?

von corey am 20.06.2015 02:01

@H.D.Rider No  SH was changed due to swagbuck business model of "selling user habits and data"  Nothing to do with the government itself.  This was a "deliberate (possibly a malicious) corporate action"   current "sh user agreement" did not allow "selling of user data" to third parties outside of SH circle.

To get around that, they had to change the nature of SH as a means to bypass "user agreement contract law"

And polling for fox and CNN and such gave "plasable reason to change" so they can sell our data by "voiding old user agreement contract".

When they changed the nature of the business they had a clear justification of writing a "NEW user agreement contract" which strips out the old privacy rights we agreed too..

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.


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