All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

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-, Männlich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 39

All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Cezar am 09.06.2015 10:57

All Major US Stores & Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?




-, Weiblich

  Level 11 - Analyst

Beiträge: 178

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Kat am 09.06.2015 11:15

Hate to say it but nothing would surprise me.


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Skunky am 10.06.2015 01:56

hmmm. i will have to look into this more :/



61, Männlich

  Level 7 - Critic

Beiträge: 86

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Gregaj7 am 10.06.2015 04:30

Either this is for real or this is the largest effort of propaganda attempted in trying to get the populace to "fire the first shot" for Martial Law and a complete lock-down of the country.  I plan to complete what I'm doing until I can't.



71, Männlich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 15

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Roadie am 10.06.2015 06:38

Does that mean the sky is falling?




53, Männlich

  Level 3 - Debater

Beiträge: 7

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von Roy am 10.06.2015 07:13

I choose that it's propoganda to start up martial law.



94, Männlich

  Level 9 - Commentator

Beiträge: 161

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von JohnnyRudick am 10.06.2015 08:09

It would not surprise me either.
Something is sure in the wind.



58, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 22

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von MrsJJS am 17.06.2015 07:30

Went to the link but didn't watch...couldn't justify wasting 30 minutes of my life watching a yet another dooms day video



38, Weiblich

  Level 1 - Innovator

Beiträge: 155

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von EternalSailorSol am 17.06.2015 08:49

I live  in Canada, it Wal-Mart closes (we're doomed).

They are other stores, in Canada, but some ofd them are pricy or just questionable  of what is going to next. I am physically disabled, but the selection of stores like Wal-Mart with lower priced clothing, meds, and food is limited, as far as I know. 



38, Weiblich

  Level 1 - Innovator

Beiträge: 155

Re: All Major Stores and Grocery Chain Stores To Close Indefinitely This Year?

von EternalSailorSol am 19.06.2015 01:07

Okay, I managed to open one of those links (this site needs to fix that issue). It sounds like you may be listening to a false prophet. Please ignore my previous comment, (about this topic). Thanks.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19.06.2015 01:10 .
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