Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

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-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von corey am 12.06.2015 05:37

I filed a complaint to FTC today about sodahead locking our accounts without warning. Not allowing us to delete critical biometric and meta data, we do not want a company like swagbuck to have. And the fact that swagbucks a company that makes its business selling User habits and data is a real issue for those that been actively trying to avoid companies like this , like me.. By using things like adblockerplus no-script, ghostery and avoiding websites like swagbucks.


FTC also suggested filing a complaint here

Which I intend to do.

When you look at what swagbucks does for a business and how it profits on selling your habits that should remain private. Reason needs to stay private is due to all the bad ways that data can be used against you. You should be really concerned, that this is a MAJOR privacy breach by means of an outright buyout, by a company that should not have your habits or biometric data in the first place.

I honestly believe this to be an internet crime especially the part about locking us out of the account so we could not delete sensitive information.

They could just as easily disabled the forum functions and such without actually locking the account.

This was a "data grab", there can be no other explanation in my opinion.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



60, Männlich

  Level 5 - Activist

Beiträge: 37

Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von Mopvyzo_USA am 13.06.2015 02:28

It does not look like they are going to delete our profiles. If SH wants to be aholes like that, there is nothing I can do.




77, Weiblich

  Level 2 - Loudmouth

Beiträge: 3

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von Imagypsy am 13.06.2015 05:24

I agree. The best thing I can think of to do is file with th FTC.
But I would also like to have access to very old private converstaions with a few Soda Head friends from years ago and be able to save them for my own use. One very close friend and I began using our private email addresses after a while conversing on SH. He died several years ago and I wish I had access to the very early private "talks" we had on SH before going private.



38, Weiblich

  Level 1 - Innovator

Beiträge: 155

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von EternalSailorSol am 13.06.2015 05:34

I wish there was something I could do to delete that old account. It doesn't help that I live in Canada. I don't think there is a way to delete it, I wish there was. 

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 13.06.2015 05:39 .


-, Weiblich

  Level 7 - Critic

Beiträge: 97

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von Lady am 13.06.2015 05:54

I've tried, but they have locked everything down.  They still have our old posts, profile and pictures.  SH sucks.

Lady - formerly SH Eastedie


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von Freeranger am 13.06.2015 07:50

Shades of Caveat Emptor me thinks.  'Fraid they got us by the short hairs....



61, Männlich

  Level 7 - Critic

Beiträge: 86

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von Gregaj7 am 13.06.2015 08:01

That being the case, there are several profiles by which they might actually learn something, if they choose to.



56, Männlich

  Level 4 - Idealist

Beiträge: 19

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von H.D.Rider am 16.06.2015 01:43

No I don't think you can delete your account. I really don't care, the info I posted was B.S. anyway.



-, Männlich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 45

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von corey am 20.06.2015 01:49

@H.D.Rider  even if it is BS that you posted, that data can be use to build a personality profile that can be used in a manor that could actually harm you in the real world.   Or if you posted enough info they can make a fake personality profile for the purpose of defamation in the real world.

Insurance companies could use that info against you as well, based on what you said whether what you said was truthful or not. like maybe you posted a picture in your profile that shows you holding a lit cigerete.  Lets say you seeking lung cancer treatment.  They can use that photo as a means to cut you off from payments by the insurance company.  Then your screwed because you were profiled as "engaging in risky behavior", which voids your insurance claim.. (which is NOT the same as pre- exsisting condition)

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



67, Weiblich

  Level 6 - Agitator

Beiträge: 44

Re: Any way to delete sodahead account after being locked out?

von stanley am 02.07.2015 02:48

The people who created Sodahead were entrepreneurs.  They created Sodahead to prove to someone that they were movers and shakers.  Said "wonderperson" recognized that they had indeed proved their worth at creating an interactive site and moved them on to the land of being paid good money for their smarts.  Sodahead lost (because it was free and didn't rake in profits) and the creators knew that everything costs money and sodaheads didn't.  Sodaheads actually thought they could access a site for free (I mean are they ingenues or what?)



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