Smart-Meters Documentary

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61, male

  Level 7 - Critic

Posts: 86

Smart-Meters Documentary

from Gregaj7 on 07/11/2015 08:53 PM

I just watched the documentary "Take Back Your Power" about 'smart-meters'. The Director/Producer did not know the legal history of how this is done. I do. The next typing is a c/p of msg I'd like to get to him:
'd really like to send Josh Del Sol an email, and the site "" is either down or not allowing WaterFox browser and Opera to access (forbidden on this server and 505 error). I've been studying the legal structure of both gov't and "private" corporatocracy since 1995 and know why this is all happening.
If someone has a link, please reply. Thanks.



-, female

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 39

Re: Smart-Meters Documentary

from Bozette on 07/15/2015 06:44 PM

Here you go Greg.  I had no problem with the website.

Contact info:

General email: info [at] takebackyourpower [dot] net
Toll-free voicemail: 1-800-396-9012 (please leave message with your email and or phone)


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