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29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Galaxy S6 without removable storage

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:46 AM

So, recently I heard that the brand new Samsung Galaxy S6 does NOT have a removable back with SD storage included. This was one of the main perks with the Galaxy, one of the main reasons I switched from Apple to Samsung. I think this is almost as bad as Windows 7's excuse for a serious format...the entire "phone menu applications" crap.

When my next cycle to renew the phone comes around, I'm likely not upgrading, I'll just get the same old S5.

What do you think about this? 



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: A Dirge to Sodahead

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:40 AM

@EternalSailorSol- I empathize completely, thanks for being the first to actually give a list of things you will miss. And yup, I'm going to be treating this just like the old Sodahead. Glad my activity won't be funding those asswipes this time around.



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: Describe yourself in only five words

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:36 AM

@EternalSailorSol- D'awww. I love your adjectives.



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: Summer is almost here. What is your favorite treat on a hot day?

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:35 AM

ice cream sandwich



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: Favorite metal band from the 80's ?

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:33 AM




29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: Have you ever have seen a 5-Way Stop Sign?

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 07:31 AM

No, however I've been at a couple five way stoplights(?) in both New Jersey and New York. Not sure how to refer to the mergence of five roads separated by a stoplight. Aaaaand, still can't make a U-turn in Jersey.



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Half Of Americans Have Less Than $400 In Disposable Income

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 12:31 AM

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A new report from the Federal Reserve reveals that the American population is so financially unstable that 47% of us couldn't come up with $400 to meet an unexpected expense- and that they'd have to borrow or sell something to make up for it. One-third of all Americans reported enduring financial hardship last year.


In addition to that troubling statistic, 31% of the 50,000 respondents said they had gone without medical care in the past year because they couldn't afford it. The report also reveals that 23% of those surveyed hold some kind of educational debt, 39% of us have no plan or savings for retirement.

These numbers are more evidence to the growing recognition that income inequality in our nation has skyrocketed out of control. As middle-class and working class incomes stagnate and drop, all that excess money flows to the wealthiest Americans, whose victory in the Citizens United Supreme Court Case has allowed them to control politics through political donations, thus entrenching the system that got us here in the first place and erecting barriers towards any legislative attempts to enforce change. At the same time, free-market oligarchs like the Koch Brothers are perpetrating a massive misinformation and propaganda campaign through their lobbying groups like ALEC and Americans For Prosperity to lead the public astray while they work behind the scenes to dismantle America's safety net and public institutions, like the Post Office and public schools so that they can replace them with for-profit models.

So what can be done to rectify this terrible problem? It's going to come down to whoever wins this next election. Bernie Sanders isn't afraid to use fighting words in his passion for improving the lives of the American people:

"Ninety-nine percent of all new income generated today goes to the top 1 percent. Top one-tenth of 1 percent owns as much as wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral? So to my mind, if you have seen a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the top one-tenth of 1 percent, you know what, we've got to transfer that back if we're going to have a vibrant middle class. And you do that in a lot of ways. Certainly one way is tax policy."

It's time we took our country back. After what the American people did to save the big corporations of this country after they plunged the entire world into a brutal recession, we deserve so much more than the scraps that the working families of America are being fed from the table while the top makes out like bandits.



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Browns considering trading Manziel with Marcus Mariota

from Scheissegal on 06/06/2015 12:27 AM

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The Cleveland Browns have discussed trading with the Tennessee Titans to move up to the second spot in the NFL draft so the Browns can take quarterback Marcus Mariota, a source familiar with the discussions told


The Browns, according to the source, offered the Titans their two first-round picks -- 12th and 19th overall.

On the Titans side, a source with the Titans told ESPN that the Browns had not made an offer for the No. 2 overall pick. Another source close to the Browns said there have been no substantive talks.

Cleveland drafted Johnny Manziel in last year's first round, but the former Texas A&M Aggies star flopped in his first season.

The Browns signed Josh McCown and have Connor Shaw on the roster in addition to Manziel.

Manziel recently spent more than 70 days in a rehab facility for an undisclosed issue. He reported to Cleveland's training facility on April 20 for the start of the team's offseason program.

Browns All-Pro left tackle Joe Thomas has been impressed with Manziel's effort so far in his comeback attempt after rehab.

"Last year on a Saturday, you might see a picture of him on Instagram floating in a swan drinking champagne," Thomas told NFL Network on Tuesday, via the Akron Beacon Journal. "This year on a Saturday if you came in the building, you'd see him studying his playbook and watching film with his coach. It's pretty apparent he's realized how important football is to him, and he's realized that in the NFL you can't get away with maybe some of the things that you did in college because it's a big boys' game now."

Earlier this month, Thomas told Manziel "lost probably a lot of trust among the guys on the team last year by the way he handled himself once he became the starter."

"Towards the end of the season, even when he wasn't there, obviously, missing meetings and practice and things like that, it's just little things, and when you're a quarterback it's the little things that are the most important," Thomas said in the interview with NFL Network. "I think those were the things that were apparent by the end of the year, and I think he saw them in himself based on the things that he said right after the season and the steps and the actions that he took in January, February and March. To see the guy in the building right now is night and day from where he was last year in his commitment, and I think he has a bright future ahead of him."

Reply Edited on 06/06/2015 12:39 AM.


29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Scott Walker Cuts $300 Million From Universities To Pay For New Sports Stadium

from Scheissegal on 06/05/2015 11:27 PM

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Governor Scott Walker has embarked on a rampage of harsh budget cuts to try to make up for the severe damage that his tax breaks for the rich and big corporations have dealt to the state's economy. His budget proposal hits everything from pollution cleanup programs ($5.7 million) to public schools ($127 million) and the University of Wisconsin ($300 million). On Thursday, Walker revealed where some of that money would be going- to build a new basketball stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks.


The team has been pressuring the state to build them a new stadium, and the owner has been hinting at moving the team away if they don't get it. The proposed stadium is projected to cost $500 million dollars- half provided by the team and owners, $80 million directly from the Wisconsin taxpayers, and $170 million from "other local sources", which is likely a euphemism for "the taxpayers". Walker's trying to sell this plan to the public with the slogan "Cheaper to Keep Them", arguing that it is a solid long term investment that will repay its cost three times over.

But studies have shown time and time again that stadiums do not bring enough economic benefits to make up for their massive cost. Economics professor at Wisconsin Area Technical College, Michael Rosen, says that "You could do more for the local economy by taking a plane over the city of Milwaukee and dropping $500 million dollars down. That would generate more economic activity than building a stadium."

One of the hallmarks of Scott Walker's governorship is the consistent disregard for the interests and well-being of everyday Wisconsinites, siding with corporations and the wealthy at every opportunity. While it is improper for the Milwaukee Bucks to hold the state hostage until it gets a new team, Walker didn't have to give in. Even Milwaukee's ultraconservative sheriff David Clarke called the plan "snake oil" and "corporate welfare."

Walker's upcoming budget proposal is an appalling attempt at "starving the beast". The University of Wisconsin is bracing for a massive wave of layoffs; several majors are being eliminated entirely at UW-Stevens, including some which still have students enrolled. The long-term effects on Wisconsin's youth will be harsh, according to teacher Bob Peterson: "Over the last several years we've seen more kids in each classroom, less individual attention for children, and cuts to music, art, and physical education programs...There are also way fewer guidance counselors and social workers, and given the Depression-like economic conditions that are in the community here, that's a real serious problem. They now don't have time to give kids guidance around post-high school possibilities like technical schools, apprenticeships or college."

Opposition to the plan is growing across the state as the details of the plan leak out to the public. Coalitions have formed to protest and to gain a voice in the discussions, attempting to ensure at least some kind of input and oversight over the deal. Michael Rosen did not mince words with his condemnation of Walker's proposal: "This deal was cut by people who were born with silver spoons in their mouths," he said. "They don't know what it means to live in inner city districts. They don't have contact with people like the students I teach every day from Milwaukee's poorest neighborhoods, who are working two jobs and can't get their heads above water. Our elected officials need to better look out for the people of this community, who need parks, who need social services and health care. But all of those things have had no priority. The only priority seems to be making this deal."

When one considers that the rest of the money from the education cuts is slated to go to property tax relief, which benefits the richest Wisconsinites, it's appalling to think of what a Scott Walker presidency might look like. At every turn, Walker has sold out his citizens and has actively worked to make the lives of everyday Wisconsinites harder, using their taxes to give welfare to big businesses and the wealthy while slowly eliminating the public institutions upon which so many rely on. This proposed stadium is just adding insult to injury. 



29, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 54

Re: Are There Any Benefits To Being Fat?

from Scheissegal on 06/05/2015 11:19 PM

-Extra fat can provide inefficient, however effective energy reserves in times of crisis.
-While muscle is more beneficial than fat, the increased mass makes you look more threatening and powerful to potential predators. It can also be seen as a sign of wealth in some cultures and times.

Yeah, that's all I've got, moral of the story is...don't be fat.

Reply Edited on 06/05/2015 11:20 PM.
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