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74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: What decade would you rather travel back to?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 11:22 PM

!960s....My most informative years....Would I change anything.....other than the music you bet your life I would!



74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: If you are religious, what about your religion would you change?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 11:09 PM

I am a Catholic although I don't go to the Chapel regularly, so just prefer to call myself just a Plain Christian.  As a Catholic I oppose enforced celibacy, I think it is wrong and creates sexual frustration, which in turn can lead to abuse.

The first and most basic confusion is thinking of priestly celibacy as a dogma or doctrine.....a central and irreformable part of the faith, believed by Catholics to come from Jesus and the apostles.  Thus some Fundamentalists make a great deal of a biblical reference to Peter's mother-in-law (Mark 1:30), apparently supposing that, if Catholics only knew that Peter had been married, they would be unable to regard him as the first pope.   Again, Fundamentalist time lines of "Catholic inventions" (a popular literary form) assign "mandatory priestly celibacy" to this or that year in Church history, as if prior to this requirement the Church could not have been Catholic.

These Fundamentalists are often surprised to learn that even today celibacy is not the rule for all Catholic priests. In fact, for Eastern Rite Catholics, married priests are the norm, just as they are for Orthodox and Oriental Christians.



Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 11:18 PM.


74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Charleston Church Attack....

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 10:43 PM

The Obama administration has seen more mass killing incidents on a per-month basis than any of the four proceeding Presidents.  Is there a coincidence or is there a deliberate programme in operation a programme of delivering murderous fit a disarmament programme.



74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Charelston Church Attack....

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 06:40 PM

I agree with you......But after these attacks, there is always the soul searching and the confusion as to reasons why they happen.....they are tragedies that are happening with far to much regularity. 

There has got to be reason for there happening and they seem to mostly to happen after Government attempt to ban firearms.  Is the American Fedral Adminstration orchestrating these attacks, in an attempt control American citizens right to bear arms.....

Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 06:42 PM.


74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Is Serena Williams America's Sports Sweetheart?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 06:28 PM

No....She is built like the back end of a double decker bus......She is a power tennis player relying on her superior Weightlifter, muscular strength. There is no real skill in her playing only muscular power.

Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 06:30 PM.


74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Do you want a poll option for your discussion?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 06:16 PM

Yep that would be cool, but like everyone else I am willing to wait til any New Site is up and working and running smoothly.....No point in rushing into it and then find out your repenting, everytime your site crashes.

Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 06:17 PM.


74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Charelston Church Attack....

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 05:59 PM

Your description of the suspect being clean shaven and White....To me would suggest your saying the supect is not a Muslim and probably gives your origins away.  But regardless being clean shaven and white does no necessarily rule out a Muslim terrorist attack(and I am not suggesting that it is).  The London bombers didn't wear beards although they weren't white, but they where all British born......

There are many European White converts to Islam and many of them are fighting in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Iraq, with ISIS and Al Shabab.

Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 06:01 PM.


74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Charelston Church Attack....

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 05:47 PM




74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: So what do you think the REAL Sodahead story is?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 11:06 AM

All the Bigs guns have announced their Presidential aspirations.....Perhaps it's been aquired on behalf of a government agency, to ensure the Administrations voice prevails.

Just a thought!



74, male

  Level 5 - Activist

Posts: 42

Re: Why is Rand Paul being ignored by the media?

from Joe61 on 06/18/2015 10:53 AM

It's really a clssic case of censorship......If any politician  seems to be the peoples choice, but is not THE DARLING OF THE MASS MEDIA.  Then the best form of censorship is silence.   As the Big man would say "Hear no credible opposition, talk no credible opposition, and see no credible opposition"......Then there is no credible opposition!

Reply Edited on 06/18/2015 10:56 AM.
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