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-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Sharing a Plumber Joke

from Marianne on 03/09/2016 09:11 PM

A Translation of an Old Sketch:

The Plumber and the Parrot

How many times do we hear people complaining about unanswered calls and long waiting times for repair works. The situations, from case to case, are experienced at various degrees of intensity, from a "couldn't care less" attitude to exasperation and depressions. The following story illustrates one of the finest examples:

An elderly, recently widowed lady (Mrs Mouchaboeuf) was deeply affected by sadness and the desolation of her sudden loneliness. Therefore, she adopted a parrot to keep her company.
One day, she called the plumber to have a leaking water pipe repaired. The lady tended to be forgetful, and she left the house before the plumber was there, leaving her parrot at home.
The plumber knocked at the door of the appartment. A voice from inside asked:
- "Who's there?"
- "It's the plumber!" answered the man.
- "Whooo's there?"
- "It's the pluuumber!"
- "Who's there?"
- "But madam, you just called me to fix your washbasin!"
- "Whooo's there?"
- "But I am telling you, I'm the plumber!"
- "Who's there?"
- "It's the plumber!"
- "Who's there?"
- "Madam, it's the plumber!!!"
- "Who's there?"
- ...
Half an hour later, the plumber was at his wits' end and fainted.
A few minutes later, the old lady was back and found the poor plumber lying on the floor, unconscious, in front of the appartment door, and she asked: "Who is it?"
A voice from inside answered: "It's the plumber!"



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Can you find the hidden panda?

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 09:33 PM



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: One Word Fun Game

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 08:54 PM

successful - implementation



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: Are you better at geography or history?

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 08:49 PM

Actually, I like(d) both, but I did not think about comparing in which I was or am better. And there are certain themes or periods which are more interesting than others, or quite a few domains, where assumptions and records differ, depending on the perspectives, "internal" or "external" views and ideas, or on the "sides" involved.

And for learning more about history, knowing geography is essential!



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: Alphabet Celebrity Game

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 08:07 PM

Marion Mitchell Morrison (born Marion Robert Morrison, alias John Wayne)

or Myriam Makeba



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: Alphabet TV characters Game

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 08:02 PM

Gail Brown



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: Sister Jean where is she

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 07:52 PM

I hope that she is all right.



-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: Alphabet Game

from Marianne on 03/08/2016 07:44 PM


(if referring to assessments)

Reply Edited on 03/08/2016 07:45 PM.


-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: What's your top 5 favorite musicians/bands/singers?

from Marianne on 01/12/2016 07:12 PM

Actually, there are many more than five top musicians and groups (for me). Right now, I would rather focus on the recently lost, popular artists.

Reply Edited on 01/12/2016 07:14 PM.


-, female

  Level 18 - Kingpin

Posts: 233

Re: How is SodaHead doing these days?

from Marianne on 01/12/2016 07:08 PM

A really nice performance, thank you, The Other Tink.

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