Will you date a younger person then how much younger?

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-, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

Re: Will you date a younger person then how much younger?

from corey on 06/10/2015 09:12 AM

I am in the boat with James.  irony is I been on only 1 date ever, and no I am not young.  (huffing at some of my gray hair)

I never wanted to be put in the position of bringing a child into this world that would get totured like I did by peers growing up over decades.

In the end I been ok with it being a major introvert.

I can say, I fit best with people either younger than myself or older, never with anyone within a year or three of myself.  But I had/have preferences towards those younger. (on instinctive level) Think in my case it might be genetic in light of how it worked so well for dad. (who I have not talked to in some time nor ever will again.)

But I have to admit that I Knew a couple of sisters 13/15 who had major crush on me LOL. NO I did not go there. Felt way to protective of them to even consider going there.   Their dad had to fend them off of me a couple of times.(LOL I was simply in too much shock to do anything right at that moment)  No worries I set them straight once I realized just how serious they were.   Give you context thier dad was the sole income earner of the family, who had hardtime putting food on the table for 6, so things like fruit would not be comon on their menu. I would get invited for dinner and I would be sure to bring as much fruit as I could afford to spare.  We would make a fruit sallid and every last piece would be gone by bedtime. we are talking like 10-20 lb fruit. between 7 of us.

problably the greatest age diference that I would allow is 20 years my juniorr. no worries they would be plenty legal by several years.

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



-, male

  Level 6 - Agitator

Posts: 45

Re: Will you date a younger person then how much younger?

from corey on 06/10/2015 09:25 AM

Quote from me from another thread that has relevance here

"Which is ironic because my dad married a woman, young enough to by my sister, yet it is the longest running mariage he been able to hold onto and as far as I know is still going. But in that case she was already of legal age. if it had occured just a couple of years earlier then it would have been illegal, due to the political and religious stigma surounding "attraction" between certian age groups.."

end quote.

she was dad's 5th or 7th wife. I lost track

When it comes to love, you better grab on tight, regardless of age, in "most" cases. because it doesn't happen often. especially if your an introvert.(spending so much time alone to begin with.)

I really like my privacy, its nothing personal against anyone here. especially in light of having accounts locked on sodahead.



45, male

  Level 9 - Commentator

Posts: 23

Re: Will you date a younger person then how much younger?

from Transquesta on 06/10/2015 10:27 AM

I'm married now but, before then, my 'normal' age range was anywhere between 18 and 50.  I suspect that will 'slide' a bit toward the right end of the X-axis as I advance in years. :-D

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