What is your favorite "Friend"?

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55, female

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Posts: 1755

What is your favorite "Friend"?

from Ang on 07/01/2015 08:57 AM

So which do you like best Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Joey, or Phoebe? Please pick the one you like best, it's fine if you mention any other one that might have come close. Oh & then tell me why you like this character best.


Reply Edited on 07/01/2015 08:58 AM.


62, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 314

Re: What is your favorite "Friend"?

from Honeyrose on 07/01/2015 11:50 AM

Phoebe Phoebe-friends-16529176-417-500.gif

Laurel Hoberg



55, female

  Level 21 - *Revivor*

Posts: 1755

Re: What is your favorite "Friend"?

from Ang on 07/01/2015 08:34 PM

@Honeyrose Thanks for replying!



62, female

  Level 11 - Analyst

Posts: 314

Re: What is your favorite "Friend"?

from Honeyrose on 07/01/2015 09:14 PM

Your Welcome Ang!

Laurel Hoberg



-, female

  Level 4 - Idealist

Posts: 33

Re: What is your favorite "Friend"?

from BatmansEpicUnderstudy on 07/02/2015 08:59 AM

I love Joey.  He's hilarious, especially paired with Phoebe.  I love how he always lets out the child inside and he never causes the annoying kind of drama that Ross does (hate him!!).  Any scene that pairs Joey and food gets me, too


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